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Comedienne Melania

Tuesday, May 1, 2018 - 11:15am
John Kushma

Comedienne Melania


All eyes are on Mrs. Melania Trump.  It’s hard to take your eyes off her, she’s a strikingly beautiful woman.  If I were her agent, I’d tell this steely-eyed, somber First Lady to smile more, and to even go one step further and do something wacky every once in a while.  Be a First Lady diva.  There is nothing more disarmingly captivating than a beguiling woman with a sense of style, who also has a sense of comedic, slapstick humor.  


Melania has a natural rhythm in her form and movement.  This indicates she has good timing, which is critical to any professional comedian.  With her almost exotic beauty and good looks, she doesn’t have to do much to draw a laugh or be a crack-up.  A lift of an eyebrow, a sideways glance, a bend of the knee ...a double-take turn of the head ...maybe even a spit-take at a White House state dinner.  She’d bring down the house, and we’d love her for it.  


She could get away with it, no other First Lady could.  Not even Eleanor Roosevelt, not even Jackie.  Melania has that special over-the-top, star quality magic that captivates.  She would be a game changer for the Trump administration and the Trump legacy.  


Melania Trump is a legitimate star in her own right as First Lady.  She just needs to loosen up a little.  She could be the most famous First Lady ever.  The stage is certainly set for her.  She has nothing to lose, everything to gain, she has the ability, and it would be such a great help to The Donald.  She could make the Mueller investigation disappear, melt away.  Public opinion would overwhelm the overwhelming negativity of the Trump administration.   


This all may sound a little crazy, but think about it.  We rarely see Melania smile.  She is always pictured in tow with the President.  She hardly ever looks happy, never breaks rank, and is famously noted to not hold hands with the President.  It looks like a lot of bad vibes are crossing between them, especially, now with all the sex allegations floating around.  She has been described as a “steely dead-eyed trouper” and that is exactly how she looks and how she comes off to the public.


She’s got our sympathy, but more important, our interest.  She needs to play this smart and put a little pizzazz, a little zip, into her personality ...into America’s personality, as First Lady.  She can do this in a dignified manner with a little coaching.    


I say, shake it off, Melania, and take control.  Steal the show.  Make us laugh, make us love you, know you, show us what you’re made of.  You can do it, you’re a natural.  You wouldn’t even have to work hard at it.  


No one has ever though of Melania in this way, being First Lady and all, and being a former super model and not noted for her outstanding brand of humor.  And that’s what would make her so great at this.  Although she may be no Lucile Ball, Phyllis Diller or Joan Rivers, don’t sell Melania short on her comedic abilities and her intelligence ...and her ability to change the whole Trump game and White House picture.


Melania is an interesting lady.  According to Wikipedia, she was born Melanija Knavs in Novo Mesto, Slovenia on April 26, 1970.  She’s 47.  Slovenia was then part of Yugoslavia and is now bordered by Croatia, Hungary, Austria and Northern Italy near the north Adriatic sea.  Her father managed a car and motorcycle dealership, her mother was a pattern maker at a children’s clothing manufacturer.  As a child she participated in fashion shows.  She has an older sister, Ines, and an older half-brother.  When she was a teenager, she and her family moved to Sevnica, Slovenia, then in high school, they lived in a high-rise apartment in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.  She attended the Secondary School of Design and Photography there, and studied architecture and design at the University of Ljublijana for one year before dropping out.


When she began working as a professional model, she translated the Slovene version of her name “Knavs” to the German version “Knauss”.  At eighteen she signed with a modeling agency in Milan, Italy and her modeling career took off from there.  She did very well and became an international supermodel.  


She moved to New York City in 1996.  She met Donald Trump n 1998.  They were married in 2005.  


Melania did very well for herself, she is a bright and intelligent lady.  Our American First Lady, and I think she’s an untapped resource and not just a “trophy wife” to The Donald. She could be the Trophy First Lady to America.


There have been several photos of Mrs. Melania Trump that show a spark of what I’m talking about.  Google ‘funny Melania photos‘ and you’ll see what I mean.  There are not many, but the pics that capture her humorous side really stand out.  There is one of her and the President laughing that will absolutely make you love them both.  Funny how a photo can do that, draw such strong emotion.  Change the game. 


There is one recent photo in particular of Melania posing with President Trump and French President Macron and his wife.  Melania wasn’t ready for the shot and she is turned away from the group is an awkward position.  It’s funny, she can be a crack-up.


Go, Melania!  Kick up your 10” heels!  You go girl ..!!!          



John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.