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Box Elder School District Board of Education - Documents Updated

Friday, July 13, 2018 - 10:00am
Marci Hatch ,, (435)734-4800

Box Elder School District Board of Education

Box Elder School Board Meeting

Notice Date & Time: 7/11/18 6:30 PM -7/11/18 8:00 PM




Official minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Box Elder County School District, held Wednesday evening June 20, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at Independent Life Skills Center.

Those in attendance at the meeting included Board President Wade Hyde, Members Nancy Kennedy, Connie Archibald, Bryan Smith, Karen Cronin, and Julie Taylor. Also present were Superintendent Steven Carlsen, Assistant Superintendent Terry Jackson, Business Administrator Rod Cook, officers of the Box Elder Education Association, district employees, and representatives of the press and interested citizens.

President Hyde welcomed those in attendance and conducted the business of the meeting. After the prayer, which was offered by Bryan Smith, Nancy Kennedy led the audience in the pledge of allegiance.


Connie Archibald recognized the following:

Box Elder High School and Bear River High School Softball teams on state championships

Approval of Agenda

Karen Cronin made the motion to approve the agenda. Connie Archibald seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Public Comment

Nucor representatives Randi McKay and Jason Anderson presented the Nucor 2018 project awards to the various schools. The total donation to Box Elder School District Schools was $19,094.

Action Items

Approval of 2018-2019 School Calendar

Superintendent Steve Carlsen presented the recommendation for a change in the 2018-19 school calendar.
Karen Cronin made the motion to approve the revised calendar as presented. Bryan Smith seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Business Administrator Rod Cook presented the revised 2017-18 and the proposed 2018-19 Budgets along with the tax rates for board approval.

Connie Archibald made the motion to accept the budget and the new tax rates. Julie Taylor seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Internal and Independent Auditor Approval

Business Administrator Rod Cook presented the recommendation to engage both the internal and independent auditor for another year. The internal auditor is Tom Kotter and the independent audit firm is Wiggins and Co.

Bryan Smith made the motion to engage the auditor. Karen Cronin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Municipal Building Authority meeting

Approval of Building Lease

Karen Cronin made the motion to move out of regular board meeting and into Municipal Board Meeting. Connie Archibald seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Business Administrator Rod Cook presented the Municipal Building Authority budget and lease to the Board for approval.

Julie Taylor made the motion to extend the lease for the 2018-19 fiscal year. Karen Cronin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Bryan Smith made the motion to accept the Board Officers as the Municipal Building Authority officers for the 2018-19 fiscal year. Nancy Kennedy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Connie Archibald made the motion to move back into regular Board Meeting. Julie Taylor seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Pick-up contribution for members of the Contributory Retirement System

Business Administrator, Rod Cook presented the request for the Board to approve the pickup of contributions for employees by the District on the Contributory Retirement System. This approval is a requirement of the Utah State Retirement System and the Internal Revenue Service. There are two employees left on this system.
Karen Cronin made the motion to approve the pickup by the district. Bryan Smith seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Utah State Treasurer Authorization School District and Foundation

Business Administrator Rod Cook presented the Board Resolution authorizing him to act as an agent with the Utah State Treasurer for the District and Foundation accounts.

Karen Cronin made the motion to approve the resolution for the Foundation account. Nancy Kennedy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Nancy Kennedy made the motion to approve the resolution for the District account. Julie Taylor seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Ratification of Certified negotiations

Business Administrator Rod Cook presented for ratification the tentative agreement reached with the Certified Association.

Karen Cronin made the motion to approve the agreement as presented. Bryan Smith seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Ratification of Support Professionals Agreement

Business Administrator Rod Cook presented for ratification the tentative agreement reached with the Support Professionals Association.

Connie Archibald made the motion to approve the agreement as presented. Karen Cronin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Declaration of Open Enrollment Schools

Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Terry Jackson presented the open enrollment recommendation to the Board. Foothill, Garland, Lake View, McKinley and Century Elementary were designated as 'closed', with the exception of students involved in the dual immersion programs, to students transferring in from outside the school's established attendance area. All out of boundary students shall not be accepted when enrollment at grade level within a school exceeds 10% of the state's median enrollment at the at grade level during the last previous year posted on the Utah State Office of Education's website.

Bryan Smith made the motion to approve the above recommendation. Nancy Kennedy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Information/Discussion Items

Early Childhood Education

Heather Crockett, Early Childhood Coordinator of United Way of Northern Utah, presented the Read Graduate Succeed campaign for Box Elder County.

Monthly Financial Report

Business Administrator Rod Cook presented the monthly financial report with budget changes reflecting the previously passed revised 2017-18 budget.

Policy Review

First Reading

Policy 3010 Employee Bullying and Hazing

Policy 5270 Student Rights and Responsibilities Bullying Cyberbullying, Hazing and Abusive Conduct

Karen Cronin made the motion to accept the above policies on first reading with the understanding that more review and changes would be likely. Bryan Smith seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Discussion Items

Board Handbook Review
Board Goals Review
Chapter 2 from 'Appreciate'

The Board reviewed 'Appreciate' Chapter 2 and discussed their thoughts.

Consent Calendar

Connie Archibald moved to accept the consent items. Julie Taylor seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The Consent Calendar included the following items:

Approval of the minutes of the working and regular meetings of May 9, 2018

Approval of claims numbered 00025843-00026185, 01051018, 08053118, 09050118, 09051818, 09052318, 09053118, and the school activity checks for the month of May.

Personnel Items
The Board honored Terry Jackson with this being his final meeting.


With the announcement that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at the Independent Life Skills Center, at 5:30 p.m. President Hyde adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

APPROVED: July 11, 2018

School Business Administrator President, Board of Education
Box Elder School District
