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Wahlquist Junior High

Thursday, March 15, 2018 - 10:30am

Wahlquist Junior High School will be sponsoring Reality Town for 8th graders on Wednesday April 25th.

Reality Town includes a life simulation where students set up a family lifestyle including housing, transportation, childcare, groceries, etc. – all within a monthly income. The goal of this activity is to motivate students to start planning for their future.

Reality Town promises to be a great learning experience for students, but we need your help!

We need parents, grandparents, adult neighbors, friends and community businesses to help direct students through this simulation. Volunteers are grouped into teams and give simple instructions or information to the students – we need a large help force to make things run smoothly!

Volunteers can commit to the morning session (8:00-10:30), afternoon session (12-2:30 pm), or both sessions by completing the form below.

All volunteers will be served lunch in the Wahlquist gymnasium at 11am.

If you have any questions please call Andrew Penland in the Wahlquist Counseling Center (801) 452-4644.

 Please click on the link below and submit the volunteer form.

Thank you