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Protecting Cities from Rising Water

Wednesday, May 15, 2019 - 10:15am
Ziqian Cecilia Dong


Across the country, policymakers are scrambling to protect their communities from the effects of climate change.

In January, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker proposed real-estate tax increases to fund dam and drainage system upgrades, which would help residents cope with floods and storms. Meanwhile, a few months earlier, officials from several Florida counties agreed to work together to minimize the damage caused by rising sea levels. 

Adaptation efforts like these are crucial. Four in ten Americans live in coastal areas -- and this population will surge in the coming years. Sustained flooding can cripple homes and infrastructure like roads, bridges, subways, and wastewater treatment plants. 

Policymakers have limited time and resources. So, they should rely on the latest computer modeling and other technologies to identify and implement the most efficient adaptation strategies. 

Rising water levels have already wrought havoc across the country. From 2000 to 2015, coastal "sunny day flooding," or flooding caused by high tides rather than storms, more than doubled on the Southeast Atlantic coast, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. And it increased 75 percent on the Northeast Atlantic coast. 

Climate change is making storms more destructive and frequent by heating up ocean waters and increasing flooding. The United States experienced its most expensive hurricane season in history in 2017 -- storms caused more than $300 billion in damages. Flooding and other damage from Hurricane Harvey alone forced 37,000 Texans into shelters in September 2017.  

Our country is losing natural defenses against flooding. Between 2004 and 2009, 80,000 acres of U.S. coastal wetlands -- which soak up flood waters -- disappeared each year. Mangrove forests -- which help block sea waters -- are also declining thanks to human activity.  

Floods and storms will grow more intense in the coming decades. Computer modeling and visualization tools can help us identify the weakest links and plan strategically. 

Consider work by researchers at Texas A&M University. They conducted a simulation of Southeast Florida that demonstrated how rising seas will damage the road network. It found that installing water pumps now would save money in the long run. 

Or take IN-SOURCE, a 3D modeling framework and visualization tool that my team at New York Institute of Technology, along with partners in the United States, Germany, and Austria, is developing. This tool will enable utility companies and government officials to identify areas that are most vulnerable to extreme weather events and assess the effectiveness of potential infrastructure improvements.   

Various emerging technologies can help communities get the most out of their investments. For one, microgrids -- the tiny electric grids that can supply a single building or neighborhood with electricity, usually generated from renewable energy sources. These distributed power sources can operate independently and don't rely on miles of power lines.  

Spending money up-front to evaluate adaptation initiatives saves money in the long run. Consider one project in St. Paul, Minnesota. Storm water runoff caused frequent local flooding in the Capitol Region Watershed District. Officials evaluated several plans and decided on a strategy that utilized green infrastructure and special techniques like rain gardens -- in which shrubs and plants capture rain water. Thanks to these improvements, flooding decreased dramatically. 

Communities -- both in the United States and worldwide -- must prepare for severe storms and rising seas. New technology can help them invest their resources wisely. And with the right infrastructure upgrades, communities can minimize future damages and save lives.

Ziqian (Cecilia) Dong, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New YorkInstitute of Technology.