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10-11-2019 Tater Talk October 2019 10-12-2019 Dear Corporate America, It's Time to Walk the Walk on Sustainability

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 - 11:15am
Idaho Potato Commission - Ed Townley

Potato Witch "Fingers"



With Halloween just a couple weeks away, it’s time to start thinking about what to serve all the goblins and fairies for dinner! These creepy Potato Witch “Fingers” from food blogger Tina Dawson at Love is in my Tummy, are scarily scrumptious and will give you a ‘hand’ in feeding your family! Made with salt, flour, olive oil, Idaho® russet potatoes and almonds, these simply spooky snacks are perfect to serve from your cauldron!

For more Idaho® potato Halloween recipes visit the IPC Website.




Featured Farmer: Nick Blanksma

This month’s featured farmer is Nick Blanksma from Hammett, Idaho - a third generation potato farmer and sixth generation farmer. Nick and his wife Loni have two future farmers of their own - two year old Wayden and four year old Mazie. Nick works alongside his father, mother, brother and wife, and feels blessed to be able to do so. He finds the process of seed to spud farming to be a lot of hard work, but rewarding, because growing quality Idaho® potatoes is a passion. Nick hopes his children will stay in the family business and also become farmers. His favorite way to enjoy an Idaho® potato is a russet burbank fresh from his fields, baked and served with a dash of salt and a pat of butter.

The Big Idaho® Potato Truck is Cruising to Oktuberfest!

The Big Idaho® Potato Truck is wrapping up its two week harvest tour of Southeast Idaho in Rexburg, Idaho on Saturday, October 19 at Oktuberfest. It’s a spud-sational event promoting potatoes and the many delicious dishes made using them. Be sure to stop by the Truck to meet the tater team and also see what makes this 4-ton tater so special!


Mexican Poutine Smashers with Barbacoa

Trying to figure out what spine-chilling starters to serve at your ghostly gathering? Look no further than these deliciously spellbinding Mexican Poutine Smashers with Barbacoa from food blogger Nicole Presley at Presley’s Pantry. Made with olive oil, sea salt, barbacoa, Idaho® fingerling potatoes, and Oaxaca cheese, these flavor-packed horror d'oeuvres are so good they’d wake the dead! Be sure to conjure up more than just one batch because these will disappear faster than you can say “Happy Halloween!” 

To learn how to make more Idaho® potato dishes visit the IPC YouTube page. 


Ask Dr. Potato

Q: Why did my potatoes turn black? 


A: Two primary reasons potatoes turn black are due to exposure to air or oxygen and black spot bruising. Immediately after potatoes are cut, they should be placed in a mixture of acid and water, made by adding 1 tablespoon of concentrated lemon juice or white wine vinegar to each gallon of water. If the potatoes are bruising, they might have been stored in temperatures that are too cold. A pressure bruise may show up underneath the skin, but may not blacken until the potatoes are boiled or cooked.