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Monday, March 16, 2015 - 9:15am
Dakota Tuck

Parents across the state of Utah have encountered a variety of problems when trying to opt their children out of the controversial SAGE testing that goes hand in hand with Common Core. Stories across the web tell of parents who were instructed that they could not opt their child out because “the wrong form” was filled out, or the children were administered portions of the test despite being opted out. Children and parents alike are being bullied by USOE and told they do not have the right to opt out.

            Thanks to SB204, introduced by Senator Aaron Osmond, the law has been clarified to restore parental rights to opt their children out of ANY testing without the fear of reprisals for the school, the teacher and most importantly for their child.

            One of the main concerns that is addressed by this Bill is that currently some teachers are using the SAGE test results as placement tests at the end of the year. If a child opts out, some teachers have told parents that their child will automatically be placed in the lowest level math class. So essentially the teachers are penalizing the students for opting out of the test. This Bill makes it possible for the parents to request placement in the class level the parents feel is most appropriate for their child.

            As for opting out, it clarifies that all the parents have to do is provide a written statement telling the school that their child is opting out. The school can no longer claim that the inappropriate form was filled out and the child HAS to take the test. It also provides a way for parents to opt their children out of any testing they do not want them to participate in. This includes practice SAGE tests that requires the students to log in through the SAGE portal. This is an important step for many parents who feel that computerized practice tests not only have inappropriate questions but are simply a method for mining data.

            This Bill is a huge step in protecting the rights of children and parents alike. In addition to this Bill, another big win for opponents of Common Core is that the State Board of Education has decided not to adopt either the science or history curriculum that is Common Core aligned. Many have expressed concern about these two subjects due to information released showing that the science curriculum was heavily slanted towards only evolution. As for History, many have been concerned upon seeing examples of any mention of Christianity being removed and includes 39 pages educating students on the benefits of the Muslim religion. In addition to this, there were no lessons about the Founding Fathers and in the lessons on the Constitution, some of the amendments had been re-worded to change the intent and meaning of the amendment. To not adopt this curriculum takes a worry off the minds of many parents who were starting to feel that perhaps public school would not even be a viable option considering how the teachings were leaning.

             Despite these wins, Common Core and SAGE testing will certainly continue to be of great concern to parents and educators; but, for now, many parents are breathing a sigh of relief knowing the rights of their children are being protected. Many groups continue to fight to abolish Common Core in our schools completely.

            You can read the full Bill at