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Who Do You Trust?

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 - 10:00am

Who Do You Trust? was a 50’s American game show that featured married couples “trusting” each other (or not) to answer questions anticipating what each other would say.  


Watching the recent Helsinki meeting press conference between American president Donald Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin, I couldn’t help from making the association to this game show.  Putin and Trump are like a married couple trying to “game” each other regarding answers to the questions asked by journalists.  Each question was direct and specific to a controversial issue ranging from election collusion, Syria, oil export and energy, and compromising information on Mr. Trump, and let’s be clear about what that is specifically’s the infamous “pee tape”, a disgusting exhibition of sexual depravity, among other things, pinned on Trump in the infamous 35-page “Steele Dossier” the truth of which is questionable and controversial.


However, perception is reality in our media world and it’s Trump’s legacy more-so than any staged media/photo op with Kim Jong-un or the Vladimir Putin.  Plus, gauging from Trump’s past behavior with women, sex and his foul mouth, most of us are inclined to believe he could be involved in something like this. 


But I digress ...


Each answer from each of the contestants, Trump and Putin, was pre-determined and sanitized to make them look like honest “competitors”, two super powers just trying to be friends and not the historic, villainous rivals which Russia and the U.S. are, or that the media would have you continue to believe.   


Who do you trust?  Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, the FBI, CIA and the American Intelligence community?  The Media?  Seems to me like we are all being played.  By all of them.  An optimist would say, “What’s wrong with improving relations with Russia”?, or, “It’s smart to keep your friends close and your enemies closer”.  A pessimist would say, “Dirty Ruskis!”, or “Evil Empire!”.  


Standing there, they just looked like a couple of guys trying to do good in the world.  The conundrum here is, well, who do you trust?  Trump was widely criticized when he was asked in an interview last year about Vladimir Putin being a political “murderer” and responded that the U.S. isn’t so innocent either, that we do some pretty creepy things as well.  Trump was correct.  So, who do you trust? 


After the press conference, the media unanimously condemned Trump for not standing up to Putin and for seemingly pandering to Putin’s “game”.  Maybe I’m not seeing the long range implications of Trump’s demeanor, and maybe I’m jaded to the way the world works and the things that happen, but it sure appears to me that the media jumped all over this and is actually waging war with Russia citing Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, the downing of MH-17.  Awful things, but this is the real world.  S**t happens.  Although all the flags were raised pointing to 9/11 ...we could have stopped it.  Still, it happened.  


Who do you trust?  


We read about financier Bill Browder and his escapades in Russia which resulted in the Magnitisky Act which places American sanctions of the finances of crooked Russian Oligarchs.  This makes Putin crazy, after all, Putin himself could be considered an oligarch.  He’s been called the wealthiest man in the world.  Browder made millions of dollars taking advantage of the collapse of the Soviet Union.  Putin says Browder obtained his money illegally.  Who do you trust? 


As an average American, a voter, and watching the press conference, all you can do is look and listen.  Hopefully, you’ll have a sense of history and a knowledge of current events ...and this is the problem with most Americans.  They don’t.  What struck me was the body language from Trump and Putin.  Especially, when Putin responded to the question about Trumps compromising dalliance (pee tape reference) saying he couldn’t possibly keep tabs on over 500 American businessmen in Moscow.  Basically, he said it does happen and it cold have happened, he didn’t categorically deny it.  In my opinion, he left the question open.  Then, incredibly, and certainly pre-staged, he threw Trump a soccer ball (referencing the recent World Cup in Moscow) and said, “The ball’s in your court.”  Trump’s body language was both revolting and revealing. 


So, who do you trust?  Better yet, where do you go for the truth?  Is Trump a buffoon or is he crazy like a fox? (Get it?...FOX).  Is Putin “evil” or is he just doing his job for mother Russia?  Would the CIA, FBI or NSA ever lie to us, or maybe get their facts wrong?  Is the media responsibility involved in the business of the truth? 


Who do you trust?  Start by becoming as informed as you can.  Work at it, it’s important.  Then trust your own instincts and your faith in the fact that there is good and evil in the world.  Then choose your side.    



John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.