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American Veterans BURDEN; A Government Dysfunctional; ... From Broken Promises, & Exploitations,... to 21st Century,....Doctrines of Discrimination

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - 2:45pm

American Veterans BURDEN;   A Government Dysfunctional; 

                                                        From Broken Promises, & Exploitations,... to 21st Century,....Doctrines of Discrimination  by Thomas Pastore


   Should the History Books of America’s Libraries ever become Free of Revisionist writings, we may all discover that from this country’s recognized establishment, the One and Only true Diverse group of Citizens, Disrespected, Mistreated, and Discriminated in Historical Perpetuity are America's Veterans.


   Here in the 21st Century, as one of the continuing Abuses towards our Veterans Festers, The United States Government has a “Doctrine”, that (for all intents & purposes), Denies active duty Soldiers their Constitutional Rights to Due Process and Legal redress, as it relates to the Medical Trauma of Malpractice (Feres Doctrine),…….BUT…… before we address that, lets take a quick digest look at our Government’s Historical practices of Deceit, Lies, Abuses, and Broken promises to those who were willing to give their Lives for America’s preservation.


    From the Continental Congress and their eventual broken promises of “free” land and pensions , given to Colonist who chose to Fight, during the “Cry” of Revolution,….To the “Forcing” of unwilling Northern Americans to fight in America’s first Civil action, when our first Military Draft was imposed,….To the allowance of the wealthy to Avoid the (Civil War),  Draft, for the cost of $300.00,…..and to the finale of such a Civil war, where Homelessness, and lack of Medical Care were all these Veterans had to come Home to,….They  were ignored, mistreated, and denied, by a Government and a silent country that was only Glad that they-themselves weren’t Veterans subjected to these after-war Horrors.

    From the World War-1 Veterans who were Denied the Financial Bonus decreed by Law and promised by the President,……as they were Tear-Gassed and chased off of the White-House grounds, when they went to protest in Washington D.C.,……To the using of our World-War-2 veterans as “Guinea pigs” as America’s Government tested the effects of Atomic Radiation on Human lives,….to the lack of Hospital Beds for our Wounded and Dying Veterans coming Home from the same World-War……We as a Country remained silent as our Government continued to treat Veterans lives as if they were the lowest form of “Animal”.

     From the Historically labeled, “Forgotten War”, in Korea, where the same Atomic Radiation testing continued, as we used (as guinea pigs), over 210,000 American Soldiers to enhance our understanding of Radiation effects on the Human body,….Such mistreatment of Korean War Veterans, labeled them as the “Atomic Soldier”…...And to the harshness of a War that never should have been in Vietnam, where Pesticides were used (to clear tree foliage), but, with lasting devastating effects on the Veterans who, once Home, believed they were….”Safe”…….Our continuing Apathetic, disrespecting, American Government Denied treatment for years for those suffering from (Korean War), Radiation and those (Vietnam Veterans), who were Dying of varied Cancers from “Agent Orange!!.....Why did their Wives and Children have to suffer also as Deformed Births attributed to the Clandestine effects of such continued applications of such Radiation and (Agent Orange), Pesticides…. Where were the outcries of the  Citizenry??

…..*The Forgotten Bravery of our Korean Veterans, was only compounded by the Abandonment and Hatred of America’s Vietnam Veterans by fellow Americans, willing to absorb and believe their Governments propaganda.

    America’s learning of such lessons of Humanity & Compassion was still FAR from their grasp as History reflects America’s treatment of our Gulf war Veterans.   These Veterans were arriving Home, suffering from varied diseases of Fatigue, Skin conditions, Respiratory Disorders, Joint Pain, and many other unidentified ailments, simply identified as “Chronic Fatigue Disorder”. Sadly, as the government did in Korea and Vietnam they Denied any such knowledge of these ailments, until 1996, when they finally admitted to the extensive use of Chemical Agents. These Veterans as their Brethren before them, still Suffer the effects to this day........Where is America to support these Men & Women??

     What effects and abuses towards our Afghanistan & Iraq Veterans will History make Note of, are yet to be FULLY understood and written?  Many of us should be aware of our initial Troops going into Iraq, poorly prepared, with inadequate Combat Vest and Communications equipment. Where Parents of some of these Soldiers were sending them Military equipment they purchased themselves. What was America thinking??

Some of the results of going to Iraq & Afghanistan are as follows;

….Over 1600 Soldiers came Home having lost at least 1 Limb. More then that have lost Fingers or Toes.

….Over 160 came Home with total lost sight & Thousands came Home with permanently Impaired Vision.

…..Over 177,000 have suffered Hearing Loss, and another 355,000 report suffering from Tinnitus.

…..Over 400,000 have come Home suffering from PTSD.

 It has also been acknowledged, that many of these veterans arriving (back), home were subjected to a variety of “Clinical trials” with the approval of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs…..”Clinical Trials”, using Experimental Drugs, which in some cases affected these innocent American Veterans to the point of actual Suicide, as well as at least many more attempts towards Suicide. **One Drug in particular (it has been reported), has 40 American Veterans committing Suicide, as well as a documented 400 or more attempts…….What Government would do that to People who just put their Lives on the line for both Country & Freedom?


   What fellow Citizens would be so apathetic so as to remain Silent, and allow their Government to commit these Atrocities, War after War, after War.?


    What is written here is but mere tragic “Highlights” of the Atrocities, Abuses, Discriminations, and Inhumane treatments of a Rare Breed of American,……The American War Veteran. No History of anyone group can compare to the Atrocities and premeditated Abuses committed on such Individual Americans……I have written in more Detail such a Report, (Irreconcilable Differences), should anyone prefer to read about this portion of America’s (200 plus) years of Shameful History.


…..***Unfortunately, the Report doesn’t end there;

                                                                                                America’s  Doctrine of Discrimination;

     America’s Government has a “Hidden” Ace-in-the-Hole, which has been known by some but not as widely known or understood by the American populace.


***It is called The Feres Doctrine.  Established (excerpted) In 1950, the U.S. Supreme Court made an interpretation of the Federal Tort Claims Act that effectively prevents anyone from suing the military over physical harm or death that occurs incidental to military service. The Feres Doctrine prevents those who have suffered harm from medical malpractice from holding the military responsible for mistakes or wrongful actions. It is unclear (since 1950), how many American Veterans may have suffered harm for which they are unable to seek justice.


   The Feres Doctrine effectively bars members of the military from filing a medical malpractice lawsuit, or any type of personal injury suit, against the government for injuries sustained while on active duty.


    That’s right America, go to War to fight for Constitutional Freedoms & Rights, and our Government will show it’s appreciation by DENYING you the very Constitutional Protections you are fighting for.

   ***There are only (2) two ways that the doctrine can be overturned; by the U.S. Congress reforming that portion of the Federal Tort Claims Act or by a Supreme Court ruling


    I can (most likely), fill page upon page with the Tragic circumstances and the sufferings that Active-Duty Soldiers have gone through, due to Malpractice protections granted to the Military. Once again, what is our Government thinking, when they Deny Active-Duty Soldiers the Rights that every other American is allowed. What were they thinking, when they should realize that there is the potential for Abuse(s), from Doctors who know they are Protected against such Lawsuits. We all wish to have total Trust in our Doctors, but as we all realize, such is not always the case. Remove the potential for a Doctor to be brought to Court for some Medical Failure due to their own inadequate practices, and where is the Motivation for any Doctor to be at “His Best” as he practices his craft??

    Where is the Trust & Faith of our Soldiers when they know they will NOT be allowed any Legal Due process or Redress, should a Medical procedure become Fatal??....Why have we taken away their Constitutionally inherited Legal Rights??

…..We have to ask, as we review all the Centuries this Government has committed Injustices, Abuses, and Atrocities towards America’s Soldiers…We have to ask??


…..Who really wants to Enlist anymore? Who wants to serve a Government that Abuses them and a Country filled with People that forget them so easily. 


….What kind of Loyalty, Patriotism, and Compassion towards Veterans do we have when we take Solemn Days such as Veterans Day and Memorial Day, and use them to $ Sell $ products, promote Discounts, and plan our summer vacations on? .....Americans ALL look forward to that 3 Day weekend!!...….America seeks to make a Profit off our Veterans Sacrifices, as they Prostitute a Day of Honoring our Veterans, and a Solemn Day (Memorial Day), when we are to hold our Dead Veterans memories dear to our Hearts. I have to wonder which entity is mistreating our Veterans more, the Government or the People??….How Sick have we become??


... The People, The Media, even the Local Governments relish these days for “Increased Sales”, Increased advertisement, increased Tourism, and the joy of more Tax dollars coming in…ALL done at the expense of our VETERANS, as we leave our “Footprints” of Disregard & Disrespect on the Bodies and the backs of our American Soldiers,….both Living and Dead.


….A final thought that you have to ask is,.... how would I feel if we had a “Memorial Day” with all those ($$), Discount SALES, for one or more of the recent (American), Mass Shootings, as their Anniversary(s) were being recognized??…..You know what the Commercial Markets say on Veterans Day and Memorial Day, when they try to convince us this is a Good Time to Buy, Buy, Buy!!........Well.........Fill in the Blanks...........Sounds extremely Disgusting & Distasteful, doesn’t it?   


….Well what is the difference??? Dying American Victims at Home or our Loyal Citizens, as Soldiers, who travel afar??  Should we Not show them all the Respect we can muster?.....Especially those who took it upon themselves to protect you at Home, at the Risk of their own Lives! Think about it, as some of you are making plans on where to go or what to buy, on this upcoming Veterans Day.


***To those Rare Americans, who still enjoy breathing the Air-of-Freedom, and who understand that we should never "Cheapen" the Value of the Loss-of-Life with a Discount ($$) Sale!!  I will be sending a form of this letter to President Trump, in the Hopes that he may convince Congress to have this Communistic Medieval Doctrine-of-Discrimination, removed from the Legal Parchments of America’s history. I also ask that you send this along with your Comments to your Representatives in Congress as well as to the President. I thank the Americans who remain in this Country, as  Americans, as we still recognize it as a Land that had or maybe still has enormous opportunity for All,…..that is,..... until “MAN” himself gets in the way.


REMEMBER;...***There are only (2) two ways that the doctrine can be overturned; by the U.S. Congress reforming that portion of the Federal Tort Claims Act or by a Supreme Court ruling


Thomas Pastore / Vietnam Veteran / USMC, knowing now, that I may be living in A Lost Country, for, it is not yet the one I was Born to.

1151 Windmill Grove Circle, Orlando, Fl. 32828 / 407-381-5630.
