A reminder that Fall Clean-up is Oct. 31- Nov. 4. Harrisville City will be offering the opportunity to clean-up yards and neighborhoods throughout the city. Two waste containers will be located at the main park; one for garbage and one for green waste. No hazardous waste or construction debris accepted. Please plan ahead to utilize this opportunity.
As school has started we would like to reach out to parents and neighbors to be aware of the children going to and from school. There have been a few things identified as serious safety concerns and would like to make everyone aware, and seek assistance in making our schools safer. If your children walk to school, please ensure they are encouraged to remain on the sidewalks and only cross in designated cross walks or at intersections. For children waiting at Bus Stops please encourage them to stay out of the streets until the Bus arrives and obey the drivers.
Majestic Elementary: Please do not park on the north side of 2550 North to load or unload your children. 2550 N is a 40 mile per hour road, it is posted to 20 MPH when children are present however, motorists still have a hard time seeing the small children darting out from between vehicles to cross the road. Also, please do not park in the bus loading areas or Double Park on the south side of 2550 North as that also creates serious safety concerns for children. A safe alternative is to drive to the south side of the school on 2425 North and wait along the curb to load or unload. The red curb designates no parking but stopping and waiting to load or unload is legal.
Orion Jr. High: One of the more serious safety concerns is vehicles entering or leaving the parking lot to pick up or drop off children. Drivers need to stop completely at the stop signs and look for children walking on the sidewalks and the north/south cross walk on 2000 North. There were several close calls last year with students in the cross walks and people not paying attention when re-entering 2000 north.
Green Wood Charter School: Parents please DO NOT park, stop or wait on Hwy 89 in the area of the school to pick up or drop off your students. UDOT has designated the area a no parking, loading or unloading zone on both the east and west side of the highway and is demanding the city actively enforce all traffic laws in the area. There is heavy traffic in the area and the safety of children is a major concern. The speed limit is 45 MPH and many southbound vehicles are still slowing from the 55 MPH speed limit prior to that area. Pick up and drop off children in the areas designated on school property. Harrisville Police Department will be doing patrols in the area around all of the schools and any violators will be cited. If you observe a safety issue please report it immediately to the Harrisville Police by calling Weber Public Safety Dispatch at 801-629-8221. In emergency’s, do not hesitate, call 911 immediately. Thank you for all your help keeping the children safe at our schools.
Currently all boys currently in grades 1-9 are invited to play. www.cityofharrisville.com is preferable. Registration can be done any time during the month of October. Registration may also be during regular business hours by paper. A $45.00 registration fee (Jersey +$15.00). Games will be played on Saturdays. Season runs January through March. If we don’t have coaches, we don’t have teams. All coaches subject to criminal background check. If interested, please obtain background check forms from the City Office. bfife@cityofharrisville.com.