A hero lived among us who bravely answered the call
Emerging as a soldier—Valiant, Loyal, and Tall
His path was led by purpose--his heart so willing to share
To build a better world—a challenge he chose to bear
Serving both community and country—A patriot through to the end
He rose his hand for freedom—t’ward a nation he’d always defend
Brent was a first responder—Intrepid in his faith
A keeper of the flame so bright—There was kindness in his face
He lived to serve another—his comrades, family and friends
This gave him great appreciation to be an American
Brent looked for opportunity—never waiting for it to knock
His love for God and country strong—to his family he was their rock
He displayed the utmost gallantry as a Major in the National Guard
He was a devoted Father and a farmer in his yard
A loving husband to dear Jennie--their bond was next to none
His 7 children meant EVERYTHING—their hearts were all as one
This November has new meaning in the year of 2018
Our flag flies high on the mountainside with the canyon in between
As a tribute to Mayor Taylor—beloved and missed by all
He gave the ultimate sacrifice, helping another, he did fall
Major Taylor will stay with us—his example we will instill
As we unite in love together—our community we will rebuild