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Weber County Commission - Documents updated

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 10:30am

Documents Updated

Weber County Commission

Weber County Commission

Notice Date & Time: 3/13/18 10:00 AM



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 13th day of March, 2018.
The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:
A. Welcome - Commissioner Harvey
B. Invocation -
C. Pledge of Allegiance - Ryan Cowley
D. Thought of the Day - Commissioner Harvey
E. Presentation
Recognition of the Weber County and Ogden City Mother of the Year recipients.
Marilou Wolthuis, Ogden City
Marilyn Froerer, Weber County
Presenters: Weber County Commissioners
F. Consent Items
1. Request for approval to ratify warrants #1367-1368 and #426125-426295 in the amount of $542,666.69 dated March 6, 2018.
2. Request for approval of warrants #426296-426477 in the amount of $1,024,849.33.
3. Request for approval of purchase orders in the amount of $621,145.05.
4. Request for approval of the minutes for the meeting held on February 27, 2018.
5. Request for approval of ACH payment to US Bank in the amount of $121,305.35 for purchasing card transactions made through the billing cycle ending February 26, 2018.
6. Request for approval of new business licenses.
7. Request for approval of a road dedication in the Drysdale Subdivision, a one lot subdivision located at 1604 S. 4700 W. West Weber.
8. Request for approval of a road dedication in the Mike Henry Subdivision, a one lot subdivision located at 1354 South 2900 West Weber.
9. Request for approval of the Cell Phone Recision Policy.
10. Request from the Golden Spike Event Center Concessions for approval to surplus a hot dog roller.
11. Request from the Weber-Morgan Health Department for approval to surplus computer equipment.
12. Request for approval of retirement agreements by and between Weber County and the following:
Brett Haycock
Suzanne Sprinkel
Kevin Burton
Maria Civerchia

G. Action Items
1. Request from the Weber County Recreation, Arts, Museums and Parks Board for approval of the 2018 grant funding recommendations.
Presenter: Shelly Halacy

2. Request for approval of a first reading on a fee ordinance amendment relating to the Weber County Community and Economic Development Department - Solid Waste Division (Sec. 16-2-9 Solid Waste fees).
Presenter: Sean Wilkinson

3. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and ES&S for the purchase of voting equipment to be used in the Weber County elections.
Presenter: Ryan Cowley

4. Request for consideration and action for final approval to Rackliff Subdivision, consisting of one lot, with the request to dedicate to the county 1.190 square feet in area to 1800 South Street and to defer asphalt, curb, gutter and sidewalk.
Presenter: Felix Lleverino

5. Request for approval of the Local Transportation Funding Agreement by and between Weber County and Plain City for the 3600 West project.
Presenter: Brooke Stewart

6. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and the Wooden Creation, Mike Culp
To have the chainsaw carvings at the 2018 Weber County Fair.
Presenter: Jan Wilson

7. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Great Basin Machinery to have antique machinery at the 2018 Weber County Fair.
Presenter: Jan Wilson

8. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Cooks Racing Pigs to have racing pigs as entertainment at the 2018 Weber County Fair.
Presenter: Jan Wilson

9. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Hypnotist, Shawn Paulsen to have hypnotist shows at the 2018 Weber County Fair.
Presenter: Jan Wilson

10. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Fort Buenaventura Mountain Men for the employment of an independent contractor.
Presenter: Todd Ferrario

11. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Paper Lantern Investments, LCC, DBA Bean-a-Colada for the lease of commercial space in the Weber County Main Library for the purpose of operating a cafe/coffee shop.
Presenter: Lynnda Wangsgard

H. Public Comments (Please limit comments to three minutes)

I. Adjourn
The undersigned duly appointed Administrative Assistant in the County Commission Office does hereby certify that the about Notice and Agenda were posted as required by law this 12th day of March 2018.

Shelly Halacy
