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Hitting1 Goal for 3 Young Soccer Giants

Sunday, September 21, 2014 - 11:15pm

Hitting1 Goal for 3 Young Soccer Giants


You can’t just be good to get in with La Roca Soccer Club; you have to be really good, even great at playing soccer. And these three young boys are soccer giants. Of course I might be slightly biased; they are my nephews, after all. But I also know how hard each of them worked to get there and the amount of time and effort the whole family put in to making it into this prestigious club in Layton, Utah.

It wasn’t easy. And it’s not cheap. But considering what they will carry with them for a lifetime, it’s worth it and then some. I might be getting ahead of myself – let me go back a bit and explain…

I haven’t known my nephews for very long; or very well, for that matter. They are my sister’s kids and we only just met in 2009. Having been adopted when I was just a baby and growing up an only child, then finding my birth family in my late 30’s, I was slightly unprepared for all that was to come with it – who knew I’d suddenly find myself an Auntie to 3 (at least) adorable tow-headed little boys. Plus another who came later.

I love them. I just mostly suck at being an Auntie to them. I’m working on it. And I am proud of them. Always.

Oh, they aren’t perfect kids. I don’t know any who are. My own included. My sister and I don’t get to talk all that often, each of us tied up in our own day-to-day but we have had plenty of talks about the frustrations of raising good kids. As it turns out, we drove our mother(s) crazy too.

No apologies. I think it’s normal. ♥

And this is where soccer comes in to play (…see what I did there? I’m clever, aren’t I?). I’m sure somewhere you’ll find the statistics to prove that being involved in some sort of sport during a child’s developing years helps in his or her over all growth as a good human into adulthood.

Here’s a quick link I found, just for fun!

So imagine now, the oldest boy deciding he wants to play soccer. As it turns out, he’s pretty good at it. He works hard, practices daily, his dad helping him along the way – and pretty soon, he’s good enough to be accepted into La Roca Soccer Club. After a shaky start and a second tryout, this young man now knows what he must do to stay on the team – and he does it, religiously!

Then along comes the second kiddo, who it would appear is just a natural born athlete, excelling at every sport he’s ever tried. Soccer being no different for this middle son. Once he saw his big brother playing the game, it was a no-brainer that he too wanted in on the fun. He’s good, focused, unstoppable…

And he has thrived. I know this because I am treated to updates often and he is scoring goals and making friends and having fun and…

All those things you expect to happen from a team sport. It’s happening.

But of course the third cuteness (I’m partial, I told you) wanted to play and he made it in, too; there’s no denying – these kids have talent. They can play, their parents are dedicated to their success, and the whole family is involved in the game of Soccer – having been fortunate to have gotten there through La Roca Soccer Club.

And therein lies the rub.

La Roca is a great Soccer Club organization and they work tirelessly with these kids – all of them, boys and girls – to provide the best experience available for a team sport. It’s not easy to get into this exclusive club but once you are, if dedicated, you may take it all the way to the college level.


For 3 young soccer giants (and now the 4th, I just discovered) this is not going to be easy for my sister and brother-in-law.

A Little About the Parents

Mike and Myr are good parents. Whatever that means, right? We all have our days. But I know they put in their time and I often wonder just how they do it with four boys and…well…with four boys.

Michael is career military (thank you for your service, always ♥), served two tours and now recruits; and has also just about completed his degree in business management. As well, he works with all three boys, coaching them in his off time, when he has time – he makes time. AND he loves my sister. That’s not always easy, I know.

Myranda goes back and forth between working full and part time, depending upon the time of year and the boys schedules because of practices, etc. She can’t be in 12 places at one time and this is hard because it does affect their income – of course. She is also going to school, although she recently changed majors and I haven’t gotten word on what she’s going with, yet.

Bottom line?

They aren’t doing anything out of the ordinary here. Just a regular family trying to live their lives and raise their boys with good values and a strong sense of family and what it means to be team players.

When La Roca Soccer Club came into the picture, it took them a little by surprise. They weren’t expecting that it would be quite as expensive; although initially, it was just the oldest boy and that was doable.

Back when Mike set up their Go Fund Me campaign, it had become the three oldest boys and they were scrambling to figure out how they were going to pay for this first year of soccer. And that’s all they need. They aren’t asking for anyone to break the bank. Every little bit helps. Please, visit their page here:

And understand that this family isn’t asking to take advantage of anyone. They realize that folks everywhere are struggling just like them. All they’re are trying to do is give their boys the opportunity to do their best and grow their best in a crazy world where it’s becoming the norm to have no goal(s). Let’s not let that happen here.

Thank you, sincerely



Interesting to note: when I first saw their Go Fund Me campaign, I wanted to do something for them beyond promising to donate a few bucks at some point (this was before I re-launched Informed Sharing). So I wrote a letter and mass mailed it to 25 newspapers, radio stations, and television stations in and around their area. I received only one response. A very kind editor at the Sentinel News in North Ogden, Utah printed my plea, in its entirety. It received no responses, unfortunately. You may read it here.

Stay tuned as we continue along this September Month of Giving. I have not given up on raising the funds needed for this family or any of the others. While I continue to wonder if crowd sourcing really works, I am dedicated to the goal of 30 days to raise 400. It’s my dollar, don’t you want to spend it?

~ Cheers