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Household tips for Bugs - GO AWAY

Wednesday, July 24, 2019 - 9:30am

Keep Wasps away with a brown paper bag.

The wasps and yellow jackets see it and think it's a hornet's nest and they avoid it.

It's easy, cheap and uses no poison.

Fill a brown paper sack and then tie off the end and hang it up. Voila!

They actually do make a "Bee Free Wasp Deterrent" they are available on Amazon or just use the trick above and see how it works!

I had the pleasure of speaking at the Lake Owasso Garden Club this week. It was a full classroom of avid, fun-loving gardeners and the topic at hand was Art in the Garden. As I told the group, I think art and the garden go together like peas and carrots and as I prepped my talk, I was reminded of one of my favorite DIY project from my own garden, the Garden Drama test garden.

Festooning a six foot privacy with marbles is addictive fun that really adds a pop and punch to the garden setting, especially when the sun hits it from the back. The process is pretty simple.

I would recommend using new marbles. Vintage marbles will vary in size, slightly, so it you can deal with this, go ahead. So first, find your marbles if you’ve lost them, then determine a drill bit size that will bore a hole, ever so slightly smaller than your marble. You want it to press in snugly to help it stay put. No adhesive needed. I advise drilling test holes in scrap wood to help you get the right sized holes made. You made need to purchase a special sized bit.
