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Attorney General Sean Reyes

Saturday, October 25, 2014 - 12:15pm
Heidi Mead

Utah’s Attorney General, Sean Reyes, wants to continue to bring public trust back into the AG’s Office. “Over the last nine months, we have built a lot of productive momentum in the Utah Attorney General’s Office (AGO) and I am running for re-election to ensure we continue moving in the right direction. Public trust has been restored because of our emphasis on integrity and legal excellence and not political agendas and special interests,” he said.

If re-elected, he wants to continue to protect Utah citizens from violent crimes, abuse, drugs, Internet predators, and white-collar fraud, as well as fending off “federal overreach into local and state affairs such as healthcare, education, public lands, and gun rights. I will continue to aggressively investigate and prosecute criminal cases while protecting civil liberties, defending State laws and filing suits where appropriate against the federal government to preserve states' rights.”

In addition to this, AG Sean Reyes wants to make sure the AGO is focused on being “a premier law firm serving the people of Utah” rather than a place run by politics. He said, “To make this vision a reality, my executive team and I have conducted hundreds of hours of interviews, commissioned audits and investigations of prior conduct, including client and employee surveys, to ensure staff and operations are benchmarked accurately and improved as necessary. A recent survey by the State Auditor shows almost 90% of our clients are satisfied with our performance and 31% are more satisfied today than they were only nine months ago.”

AG Sean Reyes also wants to be more transparent with the public without compromising any cases. He believes this is essential to help out with public trust and also mentioned that the AGO has made some improvements to help respond to public requests for information. “We have made ourselves frequently available for the media to interview and try to respond to all reasonable media requests,” he said. To find out more about AG Sean Reyes, go to: