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All the De-Clutter Craze

Monday, February 25, 2019 - 11:15am
Tami L. Johnson

All the craze about decluttering our houses and tidying up has taken over by storm!  I recently heard about Marie Kondo and began reading her book—referred to me by a friend.  Then, I heard about her show on Netflix where she is helping people right in their homes and workplaces.

 There is something quite satisfying about watching people get rid of their things and create a space that is more inviting and comfortable.  Of course, giving up our things is not so easy—but it is doable, especially if it allows us a chance to feel some freedom. 

I have to admit, after learning about some of Marie Kondo’s ideas, I took myself to the Dollar Store and got some containers to better organize my house.  It instantly felt so good to come home and put things inside those containers where they now have a “home.”  Everything needs to have a home!

There are many people out there who make organizing their profession.  We are most aware of Marie Kondo because she’s currently in the public eye and gaining popularity like crazy.

Here are some great suggestions for keeping your home clutter free and organized from the website:

First of all, you need five baskets or bins defined for these five purposes:

  1. Put Away: This container is for items that have crept out of their storage spaces.  These are items that will go back in their designated spots.
  2. Recycle: This bin is for items that need to be recycled such as paper, plastic or glass
  3. Fix/Mend: Use this container for items that need further tinkering, such as a pair of shoes that you love but which need to be cleaned.
  4. Trash: Designate one basket for items that are simply trash-things that can go into the household trash immediately
  5. Donate: Designate one bit for items that you can donate to a charitable organization or another person.  These can be items you can imagine another person wanting or needing.

I knew I did not need to go out and buy a bunch of new bins at the dollar store for my organizational needs, but even so, they are only $1.00!

I did use a large cardboard box to put my curling irons and blow dryer in under my bathroom sink—just as good as a store-bought bin!

In addition to the 5 bins with a purpose, offers 99 hacks for keeping your home clutter free and more inviting to you and your guests.  However, I’m only going to introduce 20 of these hacks (you can look up the rest online if you so choose!):

  1. Keep a junk bowl handy
  2. Figure out why you’re hanging onto clutter
  3. Realize that it’s ok to be emotional about clutter
  4. Use magnetic desk organizers
  5. Identify a donation center
  6. Go at your own pace
  7. Beware of clutter creep
  8. Hang kids’ artwork
  9. Use shower curtain rings to hold just about everything
  10. Figure out your clutter personality type
  11. Build a clutter-free mudroom with hooks and bins
  12. Take a picture of it
  13. Own less hangers
  14. Be prepared with baskets
  15. Set the goal to keep a peaceful home
  16. Set standards for your spaces
  17. Make decluttering a habit
  18. Get in the right mindset to declutter
  19. Use caddies (to store remotes etc.)
  20. Create a “clutter cabinet” for home accessories

  I live with 7 people in a home that’s under 2,000 square feet. I am constantly getting rid of paper clutter and making sure everything has a “home.” The one benefit of living in a smaller house means there’s less to clean!  I believe everyone enjoys an organized, inviting space.  Remember the term, “less is more!” because it really is when it comes to de-cluttering your life!
