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Plain City Election Candidates

Tuesday, October 27, 2015 - 8:45am
Dawn Scothern

Melvin ‘Buddy’ Sadler has been a 16-year resident of Plain City and a lifetime resident of Weber County, so he has a love for the area. Mr. Sadler and his wife, Marilyn, have had the privilege of living here and watched all three of his children, Eric, Jay and Kelsy, graduate from Fremont High School. He has served Plain City as a member of the City Planning Commission for the last 13 years, and as a volunteer fireman and advanced EMT for 8 years.

Mr. Sadler has a strong standing about preserving our heritage, he stated, “Plain City has a long history of benefiting from the giving, volunteer spirit of its citizens. As a member of the Lion's Club, I've seen firsthand how Plain City benefits from the love and time given by the people. The people of Plain City are our most valuable asset and should be nurtured’.

When asked what he would like to do as a City Council member, he said, “As a member of the City Council, I will focus on managing the growth of our community while retaining a focus on values and the small town experience we enjoy. City government should concentrate on providing services for the needs and enjoyment of its population, and should identify revenue opportunities for their funding. Improvements in city services and open spaces go hand in hand with increases in appropriate growth, which help the city to grow in a balanced responsible way while providing for the needs of its citizens.”

Mr. Sadler further responded about public health and safety by saying, “The importance of public health and safety has been a key component of my service on the City Planning Commission. I will maintain this focus with every decision I make on the City Council.”

Brett G Ferrin, who went to Weber State University, is a global director of sales and marketing for intelligent transportation services at Houston Radar. With his knowledge and his experience, Mr. Ferrin feels like he can bring a lot to the table to help with growing needs of the future of Plain City. Mr. Ferrin has specialties in city, county, and state budgets and procedures.

When asked why he was running, he stated, “I am running because I am concerned about Plain City now and in the future. We have some critical issues facing the City right now. One of those issues is our current budget and the need for revenue to take care of our needs now and in the future. We cannot continue down the course we are headed. We are either going to need to address property taxes or consider commercial growth. It may take a combination of both but I have a great concern for our senior retired community who lives on a fixed budget. It is hard to ask them to give more for taxes.”

He went on to state, “There are some great candidates running for City Council this year. If I am elected, I want to increase community awareness on critical issues by suggesting open houses, better social media communication, etc. I would also like to encourage more community involvement on committees, volunteer efforts, etc. These are things that make Plain City a great place to live. I love Plain City and will do my best to make it a place we want to live. I would appreciate your support.”

“I don't have an agenda for running. I do have a couple of things that I would like to see done if I am elected. I would like to propose that we review our general plan. It is 7 years old and it is time to take a look at it again. I would also like to see the work at the sewer ponds gets completed. If we stay on top of it, there should be no reason our sewer system can't serve us for years to come. There is a lot of talk about commercial growth in Plain City. While I do feel that we need some commercial tax base, I also believe it is very important that we grow responsibly. I am confident that this can happen with our current elected officials and those that are currently running.”

Brad Searle graduated from Weber in 2001. He works as an account manager with more than 15 years of leadership experience and with business-to-business sales. He is recognized for the excellent ability to build and maintain relationships through long and short cycles. He is a decisive leader in analytical, team building, and planning abilities, as well as a project manager with exceptional communication and strong negotiations, and problem resolution skills. Mr. Searle would bring a lot of proven skills to Plain City in the future growth that will be seen in the next few years. As other cities expand, people in this area want to be left as a rural, small hometown, with needs of future expansion.

Kris Carrigan has been selling real estate for the past 10 years and loves it. Prior to that, he was an electrician and with a completed certificate for Journeyman electrician. He has experience in buying and selling real estate and the management and maintenance of rental properties. Also highly skilled in new construction which can bring a new additive to the Council as the expansion of the city continues and we are faced with problems with construction and with retention of people living in the area.

            Mark Osenbach is a 1995 BYU graduate, after which he has been a counselor in the Juvenile justice, DCFS, Training Manager DCFS of Utah - Performance-based Standards Site Coordinator - Juvenile Justice Services. He has settled in the Plain City area with a wife and children that attend local schools. Mr. Osenbach believes that he would like to help shape Plain City with its growth and help keep it a nice place to live. He has the background to help with police in matters of the children and having positive things for them to do.

David G Pendergast is a principal at an area school. He was born and raised in Syracuse, New York. He moved west to attend Ricks College. He is married, has four children and enjoys living in Plain City, where he is very active in the community including being an Eagle Scout.  Mr. Pendergast grew up playing Lacrosse (a Native American sport) and is a former High School Lacrosse coach. He has just completed his first two triathlons last year in St. George and Provo, and is training for the next season.  He is an advocate for the recreation and getting kids and parents involved with the kids in other activities not just being in front of the TV or electronics. He enjoys playing the bass guitar in the band "Sal and the Hitmen."

He brings a lot of experience with him on working as a team to get the job done. “Growth is coming to the Plain City area we just need to be responsible in how and what we do for the future and wellbeing of the town.” 




