In India a long time ago, they developed a Caste System to resolve the differences between Black and White that Segregates the two Races of Mankind and that remains intact to this day in Modern Times there as an accepted Way Of Life in Socially Regulating the Marriages in their Polyglot Society. It is certainly not absolute but it is their Way Of Life where The People can Live-On Peacefully in abiding with one another adhering to its Moral Code of staying True To One’s Race and Defined Social Heritage in the Security and Well-Being of Being Social Accepted in the bosom of one’s own Heritage and Culture of One’s Own Race, Nation State, and degree of Color Variant, Lightest to Darkest; and being the most pleasant way for the entire society for the most part to graciously accept itself without the turmoil of Racial Prejudices and Persecutions in conflicting attitudes about Race verging hatred and open hostility.
The Lightest to Darkest terminology has the meaning in that both The White Race and the Black African Negro Race existed simultaneously together on the Opium/Heroin Trade Route in that Region of the Subcontinent of India over 7000 years ago, and that both Races of Mankind, the Black Negro Race, and White Caucasian Aryan Race of Mankind nigh-on became Extinct in the Great Opium/Heroin War in Heaven; and at which time those of the remaining survivors Intermarried with one another to create the Race of Mulattoes as WE know it today in its varying degrees of Colored Variations, and that Both Races in their Pure Sense were lost.
That is what WE are Appealing To Reason about here in our American United States at this time to prevent that Race War From Occurring here in The United States of America, over Certain Obvious Errors and Divisions of Communal Reasoning being allowed. And in no uncertain emphatic terms about it, of It, that that Drug Heroin in the Modern Hour is playing its part in that Race War over again; and that should Not Be Allowed To Occur Here by Our Hands In Reasoning and in Sheer Strength of Will in Our Combined Determinations, To Stop It.
Here in The United States of America in these times this equates to: Whites Marry Whites, Coloreds Marry Coloreds closely aligned to their Color Gradient, and Pure African Blacks Marry Blacks. And most importantly that these Social Orientation Criterion, in Willingness To Get Along With Others in Society, be Displayed and Reinforced by Our Entire Civilized Society, and reflected in the Media, Television, Movies, and in Advertising, as the Mainstream. These Are The Orders Of God.
Racial Law, Not Civil Rights Law, is the Determining Ideology to prevail upon our Nation here. Civil Rights Human Equality does not equate with the Negro Race and Population having Equal Rights to Our White Households and Our White Race Domestic Affairs. WE are not to be trifled with in the Imperative of Race Preservation and how WE feel about OUR White Race. That has to do with Parenting, and Grand-Parenting, Extended Family, Lineage, and Our Heritage as a Race, and as a People upon the Earth; that a Man Cannot Surrender his Race To, and in the analogy of, any more than a Man Can Surrender his Wife To Another Man and allow that man have sex with her or to rape her, in his presence or otherwise.
That cuts across the grain of Our Primal Instincts and Manly Human Sensibilities in outrage. To the effacement and debasing of any man and his manhood who in a most cowardly fashion would ever Allow It to Occur. But that is certainly what certain White Males in Stockholm Syndrome to the Obeisance of the Heroin Oriented Negro Blacks and Mulatto Moors are doing at the behest of in this Modern Era in our Nation’s History as it is being so displayed before our very eyes in these modern hours by the Drug Oriented Liberal Americans who have become addicted to the Black Mafia’s Heroin and Drug Supply-Line; to be offering up our White Female Mothers to the Negro Moors for in Appeasement.
And otherwise by the example being set, for the New Generations, Post Civil Rights Era, to have grown-up, and to be growing-up, in thinking that Heroin Drug Use, Pornography, Inter-Racial Dating and Mulatto-Baby Making in the coined “Great Melting Pot” of American Society is okay and condoned by their Parents and by the Society at large. Which It Is Not and never has been, Okay! And even though that these offspring growing up Instinctively Know that the Inter-Racial Breeding Procreation is Wrong to do in their hearts.
“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God, the things that are God’s,” as the saying goes. Racial Law speaks for this matter as God’s Law; that the Races of Mankind, Are All to Honor and Respect and To Reverence, and Cherish One Another Here Now and Forever, as the Races of Mankind that God Made upon the Earth to be like the Birds of the Air. That now includes the Race of Mulattoes that Man-Made, and beautiful people all as Human Beings; but who have no affinity with either the White Race or The Black Race to belong to and who are out on a rampage to be tearing down and destroying both of their Mixed Parenting Races of Mankind with their Insatiable bent on Mulatto Baby Making after World Dominance Of, and Complete Eradication Of, The White Race of Mankind in The Universe. The Truth Of It!
And nor is it in the analogy of Our National Sovereignty, that a man who is an invited guest in another man’s house can then turn around and Take the House Over and to invite his family and extended family and friends all to move in there with him to live off his food and Rape his wives and daughters. The American Revolution was fought over just such an issue To Resolve with a Blood Oath Sworn In Vengeance. Our Present Day America in the larger context is no different. Our White European Caucasian Race National Sovereignty cuts that way too as a bond of Blood Affinity and Solidarity between US, that can’t be surrendered to any other Alien Foreign Denominations to take charge over US.
And as discussed previously, that the Slavery Deception is being used now to gain sympathy and acquiescence for the Third World Black/Negro Take-Over Demands of The American People and The American United States, by our sympathy with them in this regard of their former Slave Condition in allowing it to happen, and which is ever being used as one of their propaganda tools, being wielded as a weapon to gain access to our White Middle-Class Households with much of the so called Slaves who were being brought here by these Moors, being poor misguided African Natives who often time, truth be told, were cajoled willingly into a Better Life, or Sold Themselves Willingly into Slavery to get away from the horrid conditions there in Africa, fraught with violence, extreme poverty, disease, hardship, and suffering, that their retched lives were being subjected to. That is obvious about to bear witness to there in Africa To This Very Day. And, at any rate, and in all regards of what, that the White European Colonists HAD NO PART IT DOING.
Of what Former Slavery Induced Sympathy, that was Premeditated and Perpetrated upon The White Race by the Mixed-Race Bi-Polar White and Black Colored Mulatto Moors, (formerly of Spanish Conquest) to gain access to their White Households to Mate and to Destroy by Drug-Chemical Warfare upon Us in their alienated confusion and bitter resentment over the instinctive rejection of their kind by both Races, and particularly by The White Race in the Modern America Meaning if it; against whom that the Negro Mulatto Moors rebelled, termed The War In Heaven, in days of old, over their not belonging to either Race in Tragedy. That, like if or not, is the direct psychology of this Tragedy and subsequent Eternal War.
There is no Peaceful Victory here to speak-on, without the Voluntary and Complied Acceptance to the Unconditional Terms of the Peace being Set-Upon and Agreed To and To The Terms that the American Sovereignty is to be Respected and Reverently Regarded, To Leave the White Race and the Black African Race Alone to Marry with their Own Kind, and To Cease with the Use and Trafficking of the Forbidden Drug Opium/Heroin, and Associated Immorality of Depraved Lesbianism, Homosexuality, Prostitution, and Pornography. And if that Drug Heroin can ever be Voluntarily Relinquished by anyone Addicted to It, to be henceforth Forcibly Removed by those in the know who are as yet Not Addicted To It.
The Moors were decimated by The White Race Crusades during a period of 780 years from the 8th and 15th Century Spain and driven Southward into the Dark Continent of Africa, to then Capture and Enslave the Black Negro Populations there, and Mass-Migrate here transported by pirates on the Triangular Rum and Heroin Trade between Africa, the Caribbean Islands, and The American Colonies, with the Black African Slaves that they Captured to dump on these shores of The New World for the kind-hearted White People to Take In and To Care For, to hide among and to Regain their Moorish Access to The White Race and Dominance Over the White Households of The Americas.
What needs to be stated here; is that the Drug Heroin/Opium Came With them, these Negro Mulatto Moors, to The New World of The Americas to addict and enslave the White Race Females and their Households and with their Cowardly Heroin Addicted White Male Companion Counterparts in Subjugation, and for whom that the White Heroin Enslaved Females prepared the family meals for, To Drug and Poison them at the behest of these Moors.
And of what deadly situation, of that Drug Heroin being tolerated in our presence and being used as a weapon against Us, and all who Perpetrate it upon our Innocent and Legitimate Population, that is the destroyer of Our Nation and of All the Nations of The Earth; that is to be purged and eliminated from off our territories of environs along with every of those Evil Doers who perpetrate it. AS To What This Exorcism has to do with, and what This War Being Waged About To Liberate Ourselves From.
The sad part of this Tragedy is that they, The Pro-Drug Addicted Liberal Minded Portion of the American Scene have already partially Surrendered the American United States and The American People to The Negroes, and to certain Antithetical to us Heroin Addicted European Ethnic Mafia Oriented Populations, and related Third World Warfaring Coalitions, In Domination over us, and with their being encouraged Mass Migrations of Foreign Speaking Peoples to hide among.
WE are playing with fire here about these Alien Peoples who are instating themselves among US, to be over-populating themselves with their deliberate encouragement of having Large Impoverished Families besides, for the arousal of Our Sympathy and for Political Motives of Over-Taking Purposes; and as well in Tragedy to be deliberately Mongrel-izing, or Mulatto-izing, Our White European Race and Our Nation Under God that was founded by Our Ancestors, that is now to be lost forever; by the Legitimate White Population allowing Ourselves in Appeasement to the Third-World Overrun be bullied into submissive acceptance of this arrangement by the Cajoling Banter of the Mulatto Negroes saying, “People Are People,” in their plot to Take-Over the White People Psychologically and Physically without a shot ever being fired, and naming its Acquiesced Acceptance, The Civil Rights Act to what WE, as Americans, are Honored To Uphold.
That Is In Our Regard In Unilateral To the Man and Female Defense To Occur, NOT TO BE THE CASE. And as to Whose Imminent Defense at this time that is being Hindered by the Anti-White Propaganda Bashing Brainwashing that is being put-out by the Holly Wood Film and Television Industry and by the Media Newspaper Press and T.V. News and Talk-Show Programs.
Who, WE know who they are that are doing it, and that is obvious by their What needs to be stated here; is that the Drug Heroin/Opium Came With them, these Negro Mulatto Moors, to The New World of The Americas to addict and enslave the White Race Females and their Households and with their Cowardly Heroin Addicted White Male Companion Counterparts in Subjugation, and for whom that the White Heroin Enslaved Females prepared the family meals for, To Drug and Poison them at the behest of these Moors.
And of what deadly situation, of that Drug Heroin being tolerated in our presence and being used as a weapon against Us, and all who Perpetrate it upon our Innocent and Legitimate Population, that is the destroyer of Our Nation and of All the Nations of The Earth; that is to be purged and eliminated from off our territories of environs along with every of those Evil Doers who perpetrate it. AS To What This Exorcism has to do with, and what This War Being Waged About To Liberate Ourselves From.
The sad part of this Tragedy is that they, The Pro-Drug Addicted Liberal Minded Portion of the American Scene have already partially Surrendered the American United States and The American People to The Negroes, and to certain Antithetical to us Heroin Addicted European Ethnic Mafia Oriented Populations, and related Third World Warfaring Coalitions, In Domination over us, and with their being encouraged Mass Migrations of Foreign Speaking Peoples to hide among.
WE are playing with fire here about these Alien Peoples who are instating themselves among US, to be over-populating themselves with their deliberate encouragement of having Large Impoverished Families besides, for the arousal of Our Sympathy and for Political Motives of Over-Taking Purposes; and as well in Tragedy to be deliberately Mongrel-izing, or Mulatto-izing, Our White European Race and Our Nation Under God that was founded by Our Ancestors, that is now to be lost forever; by the Legitimate White Population allowing Ourselves in Appeasement to the Third-World Overrun be bullied into submissive acceptance of this arrangement by the Cajoling Banter of the Mulatto Negroes saying, “People Are People,” in their plot to Take-Over the White People Psychologically and Physically without a shot ever being fired, and naming its Acquiesced Acceptance, The Civil Rights Act to what WE, as Americans, are Honored To Uphold.
That Is In Our Regard In Unilateral To the Man and Female Defense To Occur, NOT TO BE THE CASE. And as to Whose Imminent Defense at this time that is being Hindered by the Anti-White Propaganda Bashing Brainwashing that is being put-out by the Holly Wood Film and Television Industry and by the Media Newspaper Press and T.V. News and Talk-Show Programs.
Who, WE know who they are that are doing it, and that is obvious by their names being put on the programs that they are brainwashing us by; and who have been doing it all along. But of whom that WE have been forbidden to say-so, of Who Specifically that they are for the retaliation of Anti-Semitism being branded against those of US to be point this out; to be publicly attacked as prejudiced and to incur the onus in backlash of negative public response for the saying so; due to the sinister cleverly devised "False Flag Propaganda" that is being programmed into the American Population, that carries the terrible onus of anyone being Accused of Being Antisemitic and Prejudiced for their Accusations Against what is obviously being deliberately and slyly programmed to effect the response of Sympathy and Outraged against the fabricated attackers in Defense of, the “False Flag” being raised, in the meaning of “Deliberately Attacking One’s Own Kind” that this version of Propagandizing Against The White European Host Nation is deliberately intended to Inflame.
"False Flag Flying" being defined in the meaning of a Racial or Ethnic Entity anonymously publicly sadistically attacking themselves to build up their case and cause of persecution in sympathetic defense; in the light of what that anyone accusing them of what they are indeed doing all along in the terms of their Outright Aggressions in their sustained attempts to undermine their Host Nation with the Sustained Plot over the span of generations to eventually replace the Host Nation with their Own Kind, by this publicly accusing themselves of what they are indeed doing and then ridiculing their accusers by such brainwashing as Being Absurd and Being Prejudiced Against for the saying so, and to be metaphorically sacrificially stoned for, for the saying so.
The Brainwashing "False Flag Flying Tools" that the unnamed malefactors use is to Label White Americans trying to defend their Homeland; as Nazi, Homosexual Hating, Race Supremacists, for trying to Defend Our American Nation Sovereignty and Our American People from the Pro-Heroin, Smut Pornography, and Anti-White Race Liberal Propaganda being put out, In The Malefactors Attacking Themselves; so that anyone accusing them about their Heroin and Mulatto Assimilation Whittle-War against Us, and about their all too obvious plot to mass migrate themselves in Over-Run of Our Homeland into the heart of America (to hide their own Zionist Mass-Migrations among) to take America for their own kind; by Making The White People Look Hideous as prejudiced persecuting imbeciles for Raising The Alarms Over.
And why it is that this type of brainwashed propaganda continues to be condoned and tolerated for in this Society is indeed a great mystery and one that has been ultimately resolved by a Hysterical War Against The Jewish Faith To End It. Faith has nothing to do with it. Outright Waring Mafia/Military Aggressions by the Jews is what is at the heart of it.
The Diaspora (or Dispersed To The Earth) History of the Jews is always following the same pattern of behavior, always the same; never to have a homeland of their own, and always beseeching Pharaoh for Food and Shelter to find themselves always subordinated to the Sovereign of their Host Nations, and then striking out in the name of Zion to form a Homeland for themselves out of other people’s lands, or by outright Military Conquest and Slaughter as is being born-out now and once over again in Canaan/Palestine.
I hope that you have taken all of these discussions to heart and I feel that I have gone over and answered each of your concerns in my conversations with you if you would study the material carefully and with heart as I have presented it.
You are confusing Our White American Sovereignty with the False Flag Propagandize wording of White Supremacy. The Sovereignty of the White Race is held by blood in our bond to one another and to the contract of OUR AMERICAN PEOPLE WITH THEIR GOVERNMENT and has nothing to do with your Civil Rights Act Equal Rights Agreement as is being discussed about the Equal Rights of the Negroes and Other Minorities that WE have bestowed upon them; and not the other way around, TO WHOM THAT THEY ARE NOT THE SOVEREIGN TO US ABOUT; BUT WE TO THEM; as to what you are confused about.
And you are right, WE ARE SCARED. We are scared of being Annihilated by your Negro Mulatto Baby Making, and We are scarred of being Over-Run, Over-Populated by Encouraged Large Negro Families, and by Third-World Foreign Populations Refugee Migrations from Africa and from Central and South America; and thereby to be Over-Thrown by the perverse inverse ideology of using our own Democratic Processes to Take Over our American Government and Our U.S. Military for you to take heed about.
Russia and our NATO Allies is not going to let the Negro Third World have the A-Bombs, as to who the Sovereign is here, Is Now, and Ever Will Be.
And about the Slavery that occurred to the Ancestors of the Negro Population; but We are not about to surrender The United States to them and die for the sympathy of their propagandized brainwashed placing of blame and guilt upon Us of the Modern Hour Americans.
WE are sorry about what happened to the Sovereign Indigenous Native Americans many years ago, and We are atoning to the Native Americans all the time in Re-Discussing and Re-Establishing Our Existing Treaties With Them. And WE are sorry about what happened here to the Negroes also; and are providing the Negroes with special benefits and services all the time to help them along, as you well know.
What needs to be stated here; is that the Drug Heroin/Opium Came With them, these Negro Mulatto Moors, to The New World of The Americas to addict and enslave the White Race Females and their Households and with their Cowardly Heroin Addicted White Male Companion Counterparts in Subjugation, and for whom that the White Heroin Enslaved Females prepared the family meals for, To Drug and Poison them at the behest of these Moors.
And of what deadly situation, of that Drug Heroin being tolerated in our presence and being used as a weapon against Us, and all who Perpetrate it upon our Innocent and Legitimate Population, that is the destroyer of Our Nation and of All the Nations of The Earth; that is to be purged and eliminated from off our territories of environs along with every of those Evil Doers who perpetrate it. AS To What This Exorcism has to do with, and what This War Being Waged About To Liberate Ourselves From.
The sad part of this Tragedy is that they, The Pro-Drug Addicted Liberal Minded Portion of the American Scene have already partially Surrendered the American United States and The American People to The Negroes, and to certain Antithetical to us Heroin Addicted European Ethnic Mafia Oriented Populations, and related Third World Warfaring Coalitions, In Domination over us, and with their being encouraged Mass Migrations of Foreign Speaking Peoples to hide among.
WE are playing with fire here about these Alien Peoples who are instating themselves among US, to be over-populating themselves with their deliberate encouragement of having Large Impoverished Families besides, for the arousal of Our Sympathy and for Political Motives of Over-Taking Purposes; and as well in Tragedy to be deliberately Mongrel-izing, or Mulatto-izing, Our White European Race and Our Nation Under God that was founded by Our Ancestors, that is now to be lost forever; by the Legitimate White Population allowing Ourselves in Appeasement to the Third-World Overrun be bullied into submissive acceptance of this arrangement by the Cajoling Banter of the Mulatto Negroes saying, “People Are People,” in their plot to Take-Over the White People Psychologically and Physically without a shot ever being fired, and naming its Acquiesced Acceptance, The Civil Rights Act to what WE, as Americans, are Honored To Uphold.
That Is In Our Regard In Unilateral To the Man and Female Defense To Occur, NOT TO BE THE CASE. And as to Whose Imminent Defense at this time that is being Hindered by the Anti-White Propaganda Bashing Brainwashing that is being put-out by the Holly Wood Film and Television Industry and by the Media Newspaper Press and T.V. News and Talk-Show Programs.
Who, WE know who they are that are doing it, and that is obvious by their names being put on the programs that they are brainwashing us by; and who have been doing it all along. But of whom that WE have been forbidden to say-so, of Who Specifically that they are for the retaliation of Anti-Semitism being branded against those of US to be point this out; to be publicly attacked as prejudiced and to incur the onus in backlash of negative public response for the saying so; due to the sinister cleverly devised "False Flag Propaganda" that is being programmed into the American Population, that carries the terrible onus of anyone being Accused of Being Antisemitic and Prejudiced for their Accusations Against what is obviously being deliberately and slyly programmed to effect the response of Sympathy and Outraged against the fabricated attackers in Defense of, the “False Flag” being raised, in the meaning of “Deliberately Attacking One’s Own Kind” that this version of Propagandizing Against The White European Host Nation is deliberately intended to Inflame.
"False Flag Flying" being defined in the meaning of a Racial or Ethnic Entity anonymously publicly sadistically attacking themselves to build up their case and cause of persecution in sympathetic defense; in the light of what that anyone accusing them of what they are indeed doing all along in the terms of their Outright Aggressions in their sustained attempts to undermine their Host Nation with the Sustained Plot over the span of generations to eventually replace the Host Nation with their Own Kind, by this publicly accusing themselves of what they are indeed doing and then ridiculing their accusers by such brainwashing as Being Absurd and Being Prejudiced Against for the saying so, and to be metaphorically sacrificially stoned for, for the saying so.
The Brainwashing "False Flag Flying Tools" that the unnamed malefactors use is to Label White Americans trying to defend their Homeland; as Nazi, Homosexual Hating, Race Supremacists, for trying to Defend Our American Nation Sovereignty and Our American People from the Pro-Heroin, Smut Pornography, and Anti-White Race Liberal Propaganda being put out, In The Malefactors Attacking Themselves; so that anyone accusing them about their Heroin and Mulatto Assimilation Whittle-War against Us, and about their all too obvious plot to mass migrate themselves in Over-Run of Our Homeland into the heart of America (to hide their own Zionist Mass-Migrations among) to take America for their own kind; by Making The White People Look Hideous as prejudiced persecuting imbeciles for Raising The Alarms Over.
And why it is that this type of brainwashed propaganda continues to be condoned and tolerated for in this Society is indeed a great mystery and one that has been ultimately resolved by a Hysterical War Against The Jewish Faith To End It. Faith has nothing to do with it. Outright Waring Mafia/Military Aggressions by the Jews is what is at the heart of it.
The Diaspora (or Dispersed To The Earth) History of the Jews is always following the same pattern of behavior, always the same; never to have a homeland of their own, and always beseeching Pharaoh for Food and Shelter to find themselves always subordinated to the Sovereign of their Host Nations, and then striking out in the name of Zion to form a Homeland for themselves out of other people’s lands, or by outright Military Conquest and Slaughter as is being born-out now and once over again in Canaan/Palestine.
I hope that you have taken all of these discussions to heart and I feel that I have gone over and answered each of your concerns in my conversations with you if you would study the material carefully and with heart as I have presented it.
You are confusing Our White American Sovereignty with the False Flag Propagandize wording of White Supremacy. The Sovereignty of the White Race is held by blood in our bond to one another and to the contract of OUR AMERICAN PEOPLE WITH THEIR GOVERNMENT and has nothing to do with your Civil Rights Act Equal Rights Agreement as is being discussed about the Equal Rights of the Negroes and Other Minorities that WE have bestowed upon them; and not the other way around, TO WHOM THAT THEY ARE NOT THE SOVEREIGN TO US ABOUT; BUT WE TO THEM; as to what you are confused about.
And you are right, WE ARE SCARED. We are scared of being Annihilated by your Negro Mulatto Baby Making, and We are scarred of being Over-Run, Over-Populated by Encouraged Large Negro Families, and by Third-World Foreign Populations Refugee Migrations from Africa and from Central and South America; and thereby to be Over-Thrown by the perverse inverse ideology of using our own Democratic Processes to Take Over our American Government and Our U.S. Military for you to take heed about.
Russia and our NATO Allies is not going to let the Negro Third World have the A-Bombs, as to who the Sovereign is here, Is Now, and Ever Will Be.
And about the Slavery that occurred to the Ancestors of the Negro Population; but We are not about to surrender The United States to them and die for the sympathy of their propagandized brainwashed placing of blame and guilt upon Us of the Modern Hour Americans.
WE are sorry about what happened to the Sovereign Indigenous Native Americans many years ago, and We are atoning to the Native Americans all the time in Re-Discussing and Re-Establishing Our Existing Treaties With Them. And WE are sorry about what happened here to the Negroes also; and are providing the Negroes with special benefits and services all the time to help them along, as you well know.