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The Sons of Helaman is a twelve step program

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 4:15pm
Dakota Tuck

You have a son, and your strongest hope is for him to grow up happy, healthy and with a firm foundation of his faith in God. So what happens when you see signs that all is not well? Maybe you discover he has a problem with drugs or alcohol.  Perhaps he has been sucked into the dark world of pornography. Where can you possibly turn to for help? There is individual therapy, but you don’t want him to feel like he is the only one with his problems. For those in the LDS faith, parents can turn to an amazing outreach program called “The Sons of Helaman.” It is a twelve-step program designed to help young men not only overcome their addictions, but to help them form a “brotherhood” with other young men so that they can help each other and support each other.

            One mother stated, “When my now 16 year old was 14, he was exposed to some hard- core pornography. This stimulated other emotions and added fuel to an all ready kindling fire. After seeing a traditional therapist, with very little success, we were introduced to the Sons of Helaman program. Due to the support network of other boys, all struggling with the same type of issues, and the excellent therapists to guide the group, my son is now doing very well. His confidence has returned, and he is appropriate with girls he beginning to date.”

            As you peruse the website, you will read many testimonials that have a similar tone. The Sons of Helaman’s encouraging message is “The Sons of Helaman is a group of young men who have dedicated themselves to helping each other overcome pornography and/or masturbation. In a “Knights of the Round Table” environment, they encourage and help their brethren in the fight against this demon that assails them. They practice and develop the warrior instincts that are required to conquer these addictions for the rest of their lives. They learn the strategies that the adversary will use against them, and are trained how to use the most powerful weapons to defeat him.”

            The program is only about ¼ the cost of individual therapy and the results are amazing. For many parents it is an answer to their prayers.  The same mother went on to say, “I found the program to be very affordable, and effective. I also have enjoyed the parent support meetings, and extra insights into how I can better relate to my sons. I was introduced to the Sons of Helaman program, as a direct answer to a prayer. I was searching for something to help my son and within the hour a friend called to tell me about this fabulous program she had just heard about. This is also a program that is supported through the courts as a therapy/rehab program for struggling teens.”

            As parents, none of us have all of the answers and to have a resource such as the Sons of Helaman is certainly helpful. In addition to the Sons of Helaman, they also have programs for returned missionaries who are struggling, as well as for young women who are struggling with their own issues. So whether you are looking into Sons of Helaman, Sons of Mosiah, or Daughters of Light help is only a phone call away. Many bishops now recommend this program instead of traditional individual therapy. You can find out more by going to or by calling 1-877-HERO-877.