May 4, 2018
Happy Friday from Washington, where way too much media space is devoted to Stormy Daniels. Let's at least get the facts right on campaign finance law, Hans von Spakovsky writes. How can a left-wing lawyers group blackball a Christian legal organization at Amazon? Don't miss Greg Scott's commentary. Trump still gives a thumbs-up to religious freedom, as Fred Lucas reports. Plus: Mike Gonzalez on a presidential message for Cinco de Mayo, Michelle Malkin on putting "Uncle Tom" to rest, Jarrett Stepman on the loss of history, and Kelsey Harkness and Bre Payton on when motherhood is problematic.
"Throughout history violence and war only creates more of itself," tweeted Parkland survivor David Hogg, adding that "nonviolent [movements] … lead to peace and long-lasting change."
No reasonable member of a jury would consider this to be a campaign-related expense that needed to be reported or to which any of the other campaign finance rules apply.
"Illegal immigration hurts you more than anyone else … illegal immigrants bring down your wages and compete for already strained educational dollars," is what President Trump should say to Mexican-Americans.
Amazon is relying on the Southern Poverty Law Center, a liberal organization that groups social conservatives in with the KKK and other hate groups.
"This office will also help ensure that faith-based organizations have equal access to government funding and the equal right to exercise their deeply held beliefs," says Trump.
Plus: We discuss the cultural appropriation police coming after high school student Keziah Daum for daring to wear a Chinese-inspired dress to prom.
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Radical inclusion is the death of any real diversity, because without real difference, there can be no diversity.
Legions of women have been labeled "female impersonators" or "Stepford Wives" for embracing everything from unborn life to gun ownership, high border walls, low taxes, and local control.
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