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Hatch Announces Co-Sponsorship of the Regulatory Accountability Act, Highlights Commonsense Regulatory Reform As Priority for Next Congress

Friday, December 5, 2014 - 8:00am
Senator Orrin Hatch

Hatch Announces Co-Sponsorship of the Regulatory Accountability Act, Highlights Commonsense Regulatory Reform As Priority for Next Congress



Washington, D.C. — Senator Orrin Hatch, the most senior Republican in the United States Senate, issued the following statement after co-sponsoring the Regulatory Accountability Act:



“Regulatory reform has been a priority since my early days in the Senate, and I’m pleased to add my support to the Regulatory Accountability Act. This legislation provides much-needed relief to individuals and businesses by restoring regulatory transparency, requiring evidence-based rulemaking, and ensuring that agencies conduct cost-benefit analysis for the new burdens they seek to impose. This bill represents exactly the sort of commonsense, bipartisan legislation that we should pursue in the next Congress. I applaud the work of Senator Rob Portman and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte on this bill. For too long we have simply talked about regulatory reform — the time for action is now.”


Senator Hatch has played a key role in every major regulatory reform effort in the past 38 years, including as an original cosponsor of the 1981 Regulatory Reform Act and an author of the 1995 Comprehensive Regulatory Reform  Act, while serving as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. In major addresses at the Reagan Ranch in October and at the Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention in November, Senator Hatch discussed his regulatory reform agenda and identified the Regulatory Accountability Act as a top priority for the incoming 114th Congress.


LINK- Senator Hatch Speaks at the Reagan Ranch

LINK- Senator Hatch Speaks to the Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention



