Notice Date & Time: 2/15/18 7:00 PM -2/15/18 1:00 AM
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Farr West City will hold
its Regular Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 15, 2018
Meeting Called to Order - Pledge of Allegiance
1. Public Comments
2. Report from Planning Commission
3. Follow-up and Approval of Minutes dated February 1, 2018
4. Smith Family Park Update and Approval of Bids
5. Motion - Approval of Business Licenses - Frankenstein's Auto Art
Shutter Bug Studios
Moonstone Construction Inc
6. Motion - Approval of Westergard Subdivision located at 2197 West 2700 North - Chris and Susan Westergard
7. Motion - Approval of Sidewalk Management Assessment - Nate Carver
8. Motion - Council Chamber technology upgrade
9. Motion - Approval of Ordinance No. 2018-02, Amending Title 17 of the Municipal Code
10. Motion - Approval of Planning Commission Chairman
11. Motion - Set date of upcoming budget work sessions
12. Motion - Set date of joint work session with Planning Commission
13. Youth City Council Update
14. Planning Commission Assignments
15. Report from Council on Assignments
16. Approval of Bills
17. Adjournment