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Remembering the Importance of the Constitution

Friday, November 7, 2014 - 8:15am
Heidi Mead

North Ogden—If anyone had a chance to drive along Washington Boulevard on September 17, it’s likely he or she noticed all the American flags on display as part of the Constitution Day celebrations. This was the 6th year of the “Display of Faith and Patriotism” that goes along with Constitution Day to help remind everyone of the importance of the Constitution and for which it stands. Dorothy Sjoblom, who volunteers along with her husband Gary, mentioned how volunteers come together to help display flags, banners, yard signs, marque messages and window posters to “provide a reminder that Constitution Day is a day to celebrate our freedoms. I love Constitution Day,” she said. “I feel it is vital for all of us to review and remember the blessings of our freedom. I love working to build community traditions of celebrating our U.S. Constitution each year.”

Plenty of activities happened at different schools throughout the area to help students learn more about the Constitution. These included Bates and North Ogden Elementary Schools, the Maria Montesorri School, and Orion Jr. High. At the different schools, displays were brought in about the Constitution and volunteers came to explain and answer questions students may have had. “A federal law mandates that each school that receives federal funds provide an educational program on the Constitution for Constitution Day,” Dorothy said. “Four years ago when our youngest daughter was attending Green Acres, the principal, Mrs. Runolfson, gave me permission to provide a display about the Constitution to be used by the school. Through the help of volunteers, we now have six copies of the display posters available to share with local schools.”

A sunrise service was held at Weber High that served as a great way to help the community celebrate the Constitution. First, everyone said the pledge of allegiance, then the Weber High choir sang “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Robert Christofferson, who served in Northern Africa during WWII, was given a certificate of recognition for being a "Defender of Flag and Constitution" by John Reynolds who is a part of the Constitution Day Committee. Mr. Christofferson also gave a speech about the importance of the Constitution and how everyone should read it, as well as the importance of voting. John Reynolds mentioned how all veterans who were present that day were given a standing ovation.  Weber County Commission Chairman Kerry Gibson spoke about the Constitution as well, specifically about the importance of knowing what is in the Constitution and honoring it.

A big thank you to all the countless people who volunteered their time to help out on that day. It goes without saying that the Constitution of the United States is one of the most important documents ever written, and it’s great to see that there were so many different activities and events going on to help remind everyone about the numerous freedoms and opportunities it provides.