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7*8*2018 - Let's Eat! July 2018

Saturday, July 7, 2018 - 9:30am
Idaho Potato Commission

National French Fry Day is just around the corner! Skip the drive through and try our Crispy Greek-Style Idaho® Potato Fries with Greek Salad and Tzatziki Sauce. This Mediterranean inspired Greek salad is made with cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, olives and feta, dressed with olive oil, red wine vinegar, honey and dried dill. Top it with garlic and oregano, seasoned Idaho® potato french fries and a generous drizzle of homemade tzatziki sauce. It’s a deliciously light and nutritious meal and the perfect way to celebrate America’s favorite foodie holiday!     
For more Idaho® potato recipes like this visit the IPC website.

Bon appétit! Or as we say in Idaho, Let’s Eat!