Daydream Savings Time
(Daydream: A series of pleasant thoughts that distract one’s attention from the present)
Don’t forget to turn your clocks back this weekend, just one hour though. Wouldn’t it be great to turn them back as many hours as you want, to any time you want? Wow, you could go back into the future and bet on the Astros to win in 7 ...the future being relative to the past, which is to say that if you journeyed back into the past from the future, which you would now be in, this future right now --I guess you’d call it the present -- relative to the past, the future would be the past.
Einstein was an imbecile.
Or maybe I am. Yes, I think so. Just ask my wife. But I have a good heart. Either way, just set your clock back one hour Sunday night and you’ll get through without a scratch.
But just think of it, you could go back and change your vote. You could recalculate and vote for Bernie! Hillary could think twice about those emails. Bill could have thought twice about his DNA on the blue dress.
Custer could have used a drone, but instead he got the infamous Arrow shirt.
We could have warned JFK, and Lincoln ..and Martin Luther King. 9/11. Pearl Harbor. Archduke Franz Ferdinand could have been warned to duck!
But wait a minute. All of these things could have had more successful outcomes in their own time if only caution was observe, intelligence was reviewed and acted upon, and if time and fate had not such a mercurial relationship.
If any one of us could go back and change something in our own personal past, something that would have relieved a sorrow or pain that we suffer with today, whether it be physical, mental or spiritual, how would that affect our present condition, and maybe more important, if you believe it to be true, how would it effect the predestined scheme of things?
It the future already mapped out? Do we follow religion or science? Religion explains the unexplainable, science explains what it sees and knows ..and it always leaves the door open to speculation in its quest for truth. So, take comfort in religion, but look toward science for truth and answers ...and consequences.
Just sayin’
So, when we set our clocks back that one hour Sunday night, where does that hour go? One person may feel they are gaining an extra hour to sleep. A more productive fellow will get up earlier and use the extra light in the morning to more productive. An observant person would notice the change in the air, the birds and other wildlife patterns ..the trees. Chickens may lay more interesting eggs, cows yield a sweeter milk. Again, religion or science. You choose. Why not choose both? If you believe it, then it’s true. If you are a good salesman, you can convince others it’s true. If you are a good businessman, you can make a bundle.
But who is to say? “Mongo just pawn in game of life.”
And then there is Spring! Good heavens, then we need to turn our clocks ahead an hour! What are the ramifications of that? It may cancel out everything I just said about time, space, religion, Archduke Francis Ferdinand and chickens!
Custer could have gone on to invent the bleeding madras shirt.
So, now you move into the future one hour. Lose that hour of sleep. Become either more or less productive. Hmmm what’s done is done and you can’t change your mind on things, or get that hour back, until next Fall when you can go back to the future to change things around to your liking?
That’s cheating. It’s unfair and politically incorrect. I protest! I know you can’t see me right now, but I am kneeling and weeping for America. I feel your pain.
Just remember two things. Fall back, Spring ahead. And beware what you wish for.
John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.