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Students Of the Month Box Elder High

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - 11:30am

Jesse Phippen was nominated by Janet Stolworthy for February FACS Student of the Month.  Jesse is the daughter of Shane and Jennifer Phippen

I take pleasure in nominating JESSE PHIPPEN as the FACS Student of the Month states Janet Stolworthy, FACS teacher at Box Elder High School.

It has been my privilege to work with Jesse as her Culinary Arts Educator as well as her FCCLA advisor.   I have been able to observe her in many settings and find her to be an amazing young woman.  She is a highly motivated culinary student.      

Jesse is a great example to her peers.  She does precise and excellent work. I can ask her to do anything and it turns out wonderful, even with minimal instructions. She has great instincts and an artistic eye. She is a willing learner and example, and seems excited to learn new things.  She is dependable, punctual and always wants to help.  I find her to be kind, honest and she exhibits integrity in all situations.  I view her as an ideal student and citizen.

With her beautiful smile and positive attitude and natural talent, Jesse can accomplish anything she sets her mind to.  She possesses the abilities and strong character to go far in her life.  I feel privileged to know and associate with a youth of her caliber.


Jaxon Winder the son of James and Megan Winder was nominated for Athletics February Student of the Month by Coach Kim Peterson

Jaxon is a great student in Weight Training. He shows up every day ready to work. He is self- motivated to get better in each of the lifts that we grade on. He has increased his bench by 27%, Squat by 28%

Power clean by 22% and military by 23%. He also has perfect attendance and zero tardies. It is a pleasure to have him in class.


Tayson Copeland   was nominated by his Chemistry teacher, Tom Davidson, for February Science Student of the Month.  Tayson is the son of Amber Stephens and Brian Stephens

I have chosen Tayson for two reasons, for his hard work in my class, and his huge heart. Chemistry can be a very difficult class, and a lot of kids will not put the effort in to get the concepts. Tayson does everything he can to make sure he understands the material as good as he can. Tayson will even do the extra work at home and email me with questions in the evening. He will attend Bee-Time the next day to go over all the questions he has. Tayson is a great example of working hard in my classes.

The other reason I have nominated Tayson as student of the month is because of his amazing charity during the Christmas fundraiser. Our class set a goal of donating $150 to the fundraiser. We reached that goal quickly because Tayson donated over $100 in the first week. He never did it for show and most kids in the room had no idea it was him that was donating so much. If you know Tayson you would know that this was a large sacrifice for him.

The two paragraphs above show that Tayson is an exceptional student with a huge heart. For those two reasons I have chosen Tayson as student of the month.


Collette Weeks daughter of Robert and Shaylce Weeks was nominated for Counseling February Student of the Month by BEHS Counselor Dave Smith.

Collette is a great young lady who brightens the lives of all those around here. Collette has a marvelous sense of humor that she is willing to share and make people smile. I think that most impressive thing about this is that she is willing to share her short comings and human foibles through her humor as an example of being good with yourself while not being perfect. I have been impressed with her ability to accept others for who they are and not make them feel like an outsider. She is accepting of all. I love her caring attitude toward others and her willingness to place them first and serve them so they can succeed and grow in a positive and meaningful way. Her compassion and caring for others is often missed in our society today. I think she is a shining example of the quality of our future.


Sarah Reeder  was nominated by Wayne Burrell for February Student of the Month in CTE.  Sarah is the daughter of Morgan and Tricia Reeder.

I am writing to recommend Sarah Reeder for Student of the Month.  Sarah has taken several of my classes and has become active in the FFA for the last couple of years.  As an agricultural teacher I am always eyeing those students who are showing great promise for the future of agriculture.  Sarah has proven to be one of these individuals.

          Sarah is relatively new to the FFA because she did not join until her sophomore year but she has demonstrated great growth.  In normal circumstances high school students and members of the FFA don’t become as involved as she until their 3rd or 4th year of membership.  She has demonstrated a great deal of success here into her 2nd year.  Sarah has shown this by taking her supervised agricultural experience from home which is helping run the family farm and cattle operation and bringing it to the classroom.  The FFA provides students with successful supervised agricultural experiences (SAE) to compete against others in the state.  Sarah ambitiously completed her records and portfolio of her SAE and entered area contest.  She won area and is now headed to the State FFA Convention.

          Sarah Reeder will be successful in any avenue she ventures to purse.  I believe she has an amazing support group at home and with her discipline here at school will become very successful in life. 


 Annemieke Jensen daughter of Yolanda L. Jensen and Jeremy O Jensen was nominated for February Student of the Month in Social Studies by her teacher Tyson Heaton

Annemieke is so great to have in class. One thing that I appreciate about Annemieke is her desire to learn. She not only has this desire for herself, but she also cares that her peers have the opportunity to learn; which demonstrates how caring she is. She is responsible and always does her part in group projects. Not only does Annemieke have great comments in class, but, more importantly, she asks good questions. Many students are afraid to ask questions, and would rather be confused than ask the questions that they have. Annemieke is not one of those students. She understands the importance of learning and her questions help those students who are too afraid to ask them themselves. Thank you Annemieke, for not only caring about your own learning, but also for the learning of your peers. 


Derek Richardson is the son of David and Susan Richardson.  Derick was nominated by Barbara Dallon for the February English/Language Arts Student of the Month

It is an honor to have Derek in my 5th period Language Arts class.  A teacher couldn’t ask for a better student.  Derek completes his assignments, asks for help when needed, participates in discussions, and works well with other students in class.   Derek is an awesome example to those around him.  He demonstrates random acts of kindness whenever possible.

Derek is a quiet giant in his manner towards others by showing acceptance.  Derek is a very hard working students.  He aims for success and follows through to achieve it.  Success and good grades are his goal and he works hard to earn them.  Derek is an amazing student to have in class. 


Abbee Norman  nomintated by Michelle Smith for February Student of the month in Business/Financial Lit..  Abbee is the daughter of Wade Norman and Kim Norman

It is a pleasure for me to nominate Abbee Norman for student of the month.  I have had the opportunity to teach Abbee in six different classes over the past two years, and look forward to having her two more times before she graduates.  She is always there, in class, ready to learn.  It has been fun to see her learn the sometimes-difficult concepts in Accounting and Business Law and then find ways to apply them in life.  Abbee is quiet, however it is very apparent that she is listening, learning, and applying. When asked to share info with the class, she has insightful and helpful responses. I have enjoyed having Abbee in my classes, and appreciate her attitude and her willingness to work hard and learn.


Jane Olson is the daughter of Brock and Shannon Cheney.  Patrick Parker, Math teacher at Box Elder High School nominated Jane for February Math Student of the Month

Mr. Parker states:  For the Math Student of the Month for February, I have nominated Jane Olson as my choice for this award.  There are a ton of reasons why I nominated Jane, but the main one is that she is just an incredible math student.  Not only is she incredibly intuitive in all of the math she does, but she works harder than just about anyone else to try and get any assignment or quiz done in addition to acing every test that she takes.  It’s amazing to see how much she tries to be a great student!

Jane also comes to class with an amazing attitude of learning every day.  She is always willing to share insightful answers to any question that is asked of her or the class, and those answers often lead to more in depth knowledge of whatever it is we are learning in AP Calculus.

I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching Jane and I know that she will do great things in life as she continues to grow and learn!



Christian Thomas is the son of Norman and Erica Nielson was nominated by Tamra Green for February English Language Arts Student of the Month.

Christian is a polite, quiet young man. He is always willing to do whatever he is asked to do. Even though Chris is somewhat shy, he is always kind. He sticks up for other students that he feels are not being treated justly. He sticks up for teachers that he feels are not being treated justly. He has a good heart which shows in his actions and his words. Chris has a strong viewpoint of what’s right and what’s wrong, and I have no doubt he will always live true to his values. Chris will make a difference in the world!


Peter Angeli  son of Evonne Angeli was nominated for February Counseling Student of the Month by BEHS Counselor, Megan Mueller

          Peter is one of my senior students.   When I first met Peter, he was struggling with his grades.  His sophomore and junior years were so-so academically.  But this year, he has really pushed himself.  He received his highest grade point average EVER first trimester this year.  His attendance has also improved greatly.  I am proud of Peter for finding his academic strength.

          The most awesome thing about Peter is that he is literally a friend to everyone.  He has a kind heart and a wise soul.  He has been our office aide this trimester and it is so fun to see his playful side.  He is always willing to help no matter the task.  He does not complain when asked to do something.  He is proud of his Native American heritage and honors their traditions.  He deeply values his family.

          Peter is resilient.  Even when tough things have come his way, he hangs in there and makes it work.  This quality assures that Peter will be successful at whatever his future plans may be.  


Owen Hymas  is the son of Marty and Sandy Hymas. Owen is the Math February student of the Month was nominated by his Math teacher Rachael Mata.

“I nominated Owen Hymas.  This trimester, Owen is in two math classes:  Math 2 and Personal Finance with Mrs. Marianno.  We would both like to recognize Owen for the dedication he has shown to his education and his willingness to help others. He shows responsibility by asking questions in class, working hard in class, and being proactive.  Last month, after a couple days of valid absences, Owen voluntarily came to Bee Time, apologized for being gone, and stayed to catch up.  I doubt I will have many students in my career who apologize for being absent.  In addition to helping other students, Mrs. Marianno said that Owen takes the time to relate to other classmates.   We are both proud of Owen, and I believe these attributes will make Owen very successful.”



Kylie is the daughter of Jason and Sandy Daugherty.  She is the PE/Health/Dance February Student of the Month; she was nominated by Tara Whitaker.

The Dance Student of the Month nominee is Kylie Daugherty .  Kylie has been such a hard worker in my Social Dance class and always has a positive attitude.  Anytime we learn new dance moves, Kylie is one of the first to start practicing and understanding the skill.  I have watched her help her partners who may have been absent for a new move or maybe doesn’t understand how to do a move.  She has such a sweet personality and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her without a smile on her face.  Students like Kylie make my job as a teacher so rewarding and enjoyable.   It has been such a pleasure having her in class and I am happy to nominate Kylie as student of the