Error message

Bates Elementary

Monday, May 14, 2018 - 10:30am
Ms Wright

OOPS!  We inadvertently sent the wrong order form attachment for yearbooks.  Attached, please find the correct order form.  Sorry about that errror!:)

 Bates Elementary Yearbook Money Envelope

 Cost: $13.00 each Order by February 9, 2018 

Name ____________________________

Grade ____________________________

Teacher __________________________

Quantity Ordered __________________

Total Enclosed _____________________

Cash or Check. Make checks payable to Bates PT



Just a reminder to please continue to check your child's lunch account. As of today, May 14, they need at least $18.50 in their accounts to get them through lunch the rest of the year for regular pay students and $4.00 for reduced fee students. All accounts owing $10 or more will be sent to collections.


Thank you so much for your attention to this matter.






Ms. Wright

Bates Elementary

