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Willard News

Thursday, May 24, 2018 - 10:45am
Dawn Scothern / newsletters

Important Announcements from UDOT - Hwy 89 and 750 North Project  

This project is located at the Willard exit where you turn to go to the Bay or get on the freeway. With all the accidents that have been involved with this intersection, UDOT has a project planned to install a stoplight and turning lanes at 750 North and Hwy 89 in 2018. They will also be resurfacing Hwy 89. The final engineering is being completed and the project will be put out for bid.  We are fast approaching road construction season all over!!!! Please use caution around construction and SLOW DOWN for the safety of construction workers.

School is just about over for the 2017-18 year, and with that we need to be even more cautious with more kids out walking, riding, and playing in the neighborhoods. Please take an extra minute to walk all the way around your vehicle looking for toys and children. Even if you don’t have kids yourself, children just don’t see the danger getting a ball out from under the car without help.

It is motorcycle riding time, so we all need to be more aware of our driving habits. NO distracted driving: put the phone down. Look, listen, and look again!!! Nobody wants to be the one to hit someone riding a motorcycle, bike, person or even another vehicle. We are heading into the 100 most dangerous days. PLEASE leave early and be hypervigilant in driving and being aware what’s going on around us.

Youth Baseball!!!  Let the games begin! Games are held on Monday and Thursday evenings.

Remember the speed limit on City streets is 25 mph unless otherwise posted.

 A BIG THANK YOU to the Willard 4th Ward for their help in cleaning up the Willard Nature Park.  If you have not been up to the new Nature Park, it is a great place to take a walk and enjoy what nature has to offer.  Remember if you take your pets please cleanup after them. 

4th of July volunteers needed!  The theme this year is: “Willard, Together We Stand!” The Patriotic program will be held on July 2nd. If you are interested in participating, contact Helen Jane Lemon 435723-5550.  For a vendor booth, please sign up at the City offices during office hours.  Cost will be $20 a booth.  Join the parade!!! Plan now to get your business or family together to be a part of the parade!    There is always a need for volunteers who can give just a couple of hours on the 4th to help with the kid's games. If you can do that, please contact Marjorie Ross 435-730-0465.  Want to be on the committee?  Or if you want to help in anyway, with breakfast, be on the stage show, donate bingo prizes, etc., or just have questions, please contact Terry Ross (435-740-0889), Marjorie Ross (435-730 0465) or the Willard City offices at (435-734-9881). A full schedule of events will be will be in the next month’s bulletin.

BURN PERMIT INFORMATION Burn Permits - NO BURN PERMITS WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS THE CLEARING INDEX IS ABOVE 500 for Airshed 4. Links to check the index are available at

The Division of Air Quality regulates this, not the County Fire Marshal.  If the Burn Index is not above 500 on the day you want to burn do not call for a burn permit.  If the date is between the Residential Burn windows and the index is above 500 for Airshed 4 call 435-734-3345.  The "Residential Burn Windows" are March 30- May 30 and September 15- October 30. State requirements limit burning for only natural vegetation, ie: tree trimmings, leaves, etc., can be burned. This means no construction debris, household garbage, tires, etc. can be burned. Other methods of disposal will need to be used for these items.  Burn Permits for Saturday will be issued on Friday, but you will have to check the Clearing Index before you start burning on Saturday and there is no burning on Sunday.