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Weber County Commission - Documents updated

Thursday, May 31, 2018 - 11:30am

Documents Updated

Weber County Commission

Weber County Commission

Notice Date & Time: 5/22/18 10:00 AM



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 22nd day of May, 2018.
The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:

A. Welcome - Commissioner Harvey
B. Invocation -
C. Pledge of Allegiance - Chad Meyerhoffer
D. Thought of the Day - Commissioner Ebert
E. Consent Items
1. Request for approval of warrants #1434-1449 and #428289-428289 in the amount of $1,998,420.14.
2. Request for approval of purchase orders in the amount of $82,539.43.
3. Request for approval of the minutes for the meeting held on May 15, 2018.
4. Request for approval of new business licenses.
5. Request from the Weber County Sheriff's Office Homeland Security for approval to surplus a 2005 Polaris Ranger 6x6.
6. Request for approval of Human Resources Policies.
7. Request from the Weber County Tax Review Committee for approval of their recommendation to deny a second extension on Parcel #03-006-0040.

F. Action Items

1. Request for approval of an Interlocal Agreement by and between Weber County and Morgan County to house Morgan County prisoners and inmates in the Weber County Jail.
Presenter: Steffani Ebert

2. Request for approval of a resolution of the County Commissioners of Weber County appointing two members to the Weber County Creative Alliance.
Presenter: Jennifer Graham

3. Request for discussion and/or action on a request from Ridge Utah Development to reduce impact fees.
Presenter: Chad Meyerhoffer

4. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Mathew Shechter for an Administrative Law Judge for employment appeals.
Presenter: Sarah Swan

G. Public Comments (Please limit comments to three minutes)

H. Adjourn
