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Weber County Commission - Documents updated

Friday, October 12, 2018 - 12:30pm

Documents Updated

Weber County Commission

Weber County Commission

Notice Date & Time: 10/2/18 10:00 AM



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 2nd day of October 2018.

The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:

A. Welcome - Commissioner Harvey

B. Invocation - Ricky Hatch

C. Pledge of Allegiance - Ronda Kippen

D. Thought of the Day - Commissioner Ebert

E. Public Comments (please limit comments to 3 minutes)

F. Consent Items

1. Request for approval of warrants #1557-1562 and #432329-432479in the amount of $1,951,512.69.
2. Request for approval of purchase orders in the amount of $788,903.02.
3. Request for approval of minutes for the meeting held on September 25, 2018.
4. Request from Information Technology for approval to surplus computers and equipment.
5. Request for approval of Change Order #12 for manhole repair and rock wall installation for roadside slope stabilization.

G. Action Items

1. Request for approval of a resolution of the county commissioners of Weber County appointing Bob Barrett to the Public Shooting Ranges/Facilities Study Committee.
Presenter: Stacy Skeen

2. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Jefferson Solutions, Inc.
for Actuarial Valuation - Value the county's OPEB benefits in accordance with GASB 75.
Presenter: Scott Parke

3. Discussion and/or action on Impact Fee relief for Kimberly Clark.
Presenter: Commissioner Jenkins

H. Public Hearings

1. Request for a motion to adjourn public meeting and convene public hearing.

2. Public hearing for discussion and/or action on the following items:

a. A request to amend the West Central Weber County General Plan's Future Land Use Map to change some of the proposed industrial area in the block between 7500 West and 7900 West, just north of 900 South, from 'industrial' to 'residential/agricultural,' and to extend 'industrial' southward to 900 South.
Presenter: Charlie Ewert

b. A request to amend the zone map to change property in the block between 7500 West and 7900 West, just north of 900 South, from M-1 to A-2, and from A-1 to M-1.
Presenter: Charlie Ewert

3. A public hearing for consideration and action on a request for the First Amendment to the Powder Mountain Zoning Development Agreement, amending the timeframes and trail locations within the Zoning Development Agreement that were previously approved as Contract #2015-6 and adding language specific to Superseding, Reinvestment Fee and the Development Funded Reserve Account.
Presenter: Ronda Kippen

4. A public hearing for consideration and action on a request for the First Amendment to the Zoning Development Agreement Ordinance #96-33 to reinstate the expired zoning development agreement and allow for a temporary park and ride lot.
Presenter: Ronda Kippen

5. Public Comments (please limit to 3 minutes)

6. Request for a motion to adjourn public hearings and reconvene public meeting.

7. Action on public hearings:

H.2a- Discussion and/or action on request to amend the West Central Weber County General Plan's Future Land Use Map to change some of the proposed industrial area in the block between 7500 West and 7900 West, just north of 900 South, from 'industrial' to 'residential/agricultural,' and to extend 'industrial' southward to 900 South.

H.2b- Discussion and/or action on request for approval to amend the zone map to change property in the block between 7500 West and 7900 West, just north of 900 South, from M-1 to A-2, and from A-1 to M-1.

H.3- Discussion and/or action on a request for the First Amendment to the Powder Mountain Zoning Development Agreement, amending the timeframes and trail locations within the Zoning Development Agreement that were previously approved as Contract #2015-6 and adding language specific to Superseding, Reinvestment Fee and the Development Funded Reserve Account.

H.4 Discussion and/or action on a request for the First Amendment to the Zoning Development Agreement Ordinance #96-33 to reinstate the expired zoning development agreement and allow for a temporary park and ride lot.

I. Commissioner Comments
(stall of fame)

J. Adjourn
