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Bates Elementary

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 - 10:30am
Ms Wright

Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be our last day of book fair. The book fair will be open from 8:30-11:30 AND any student who has money may come and purchase books during their grade level recess time. Our book fair is a great support to our school library and helps buy more books to be checked out during the year. Thank you for supporting our library and reading. 






Ms. Wright

Bates Elementary



Say BOO! to the Flu and get your flu shot!!


The Weber/Morgan Health Dept will be coming to Bates on Tuesday October 23rd at 1:30 pm to give Flu vaccines to students, faculty, and anyone in the community who would like one.


Immunizations required for 7th grade entry will be available for our 6th grade students.


Adults can also get the Tdap (tetanus/pertussis booster) if they have not had one before.


Here is the link to print off a form for yourself or family:







Lana Schaefer, RN

School Nurse

Weber School District