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America: The Greatest Show on Earth (...with a cast of thousands!)

Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - 11:30am
John Kushma

America: The Greatest Show on Earth


(...with a cast of thousands!)


If our planet is being watched, monitored, by advanced civilizations in a galaxy far, far away, they are probably perplexed at what they are seeing.  It’s a stretch to think that Earth may be the greatest show in the universe, but we are assuredly well ensconced in the conversation.  


I’ll get to the American show in a minute, but let’s take a look at the big picture first. 


Our lifeforms here on Earth depend largely on oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen.  Air, water, sunlight, are essential, critical, to our survival as a species on this planet.  Critical.  A closer look by advanced civilizations in galaxies far, far away, and particularly by we here on Earth as well, would show that we seem to be destroying our air, water and components for photosynthesis, the very elements and systems critical to our civilization’s survival.  They, we, may conclude that we are self-destructing.  If we’re all monitoring Earth’s air particulate levels, polar ice cap recession, sea levels rising; increasing negative human conditions like a plethora of cancer related diseases; a host of psychological effects like oppression, depression, indignation and humiliation, then a conclusion of self-destruction must be accepted. 


And that’s just half the story. 


The physics and biology of our planet are calculable.  They can be mathematically monitored from which definitive conclusions are drawn.  The reasoning and psychology part of the equation, however, must be throwing our alien friends for a loop.  Why are we self-destructing, one sub-culture (country, nation) against another, and not working together at our peak intellectual understandings toward safety and security as a world civilization?  Why do we seem to hate each other?  Why are we “sh**ting in our own nest” destroying our only home?  


We must assume that our cosmic neighbors have been receiving electronic transmissions from our planet through time and space for decades.  They’ve studied programs like ‘I Love Lucy’, ‘The Jetsons‘ (they must have loved that one), ‘The Partridge Family‘ and ‘Mr. Ed’.  They’ve seen movies like ‘Dumb and Dumber’ and ‘Pee Wee’s Big Adventure’.  They’ve watched Britney Spears, Justin Bieber and Wayne Newton grow old.  They’ve heard ‘The Jonas Brothers’ and ‘Blue Oyster Cult’.  The aliens are probably as perplexed as ever, but headed in the right direction to better understanding us culturally. 


If they are watching our cable news programming and following the antics of our world politics and leadership, they are probably getting a pretty good idea of the root problem.  Take me to your leader ...and good luck with that. 


Closer to home and with a worldview from within our own planet, we can see all the same things, but maybe we are too close to the issues to realize the dangers that lie ahead.  We seem to consider it all ‘entertainment’.  From too up close and personal we haven’t been able to see an end coming.  We’ve become complacent watching the world go by on television ignoring the signs, doing nothing to save ourselves.  


If our otherworldly friends have been studying closely, and they have, they know which sub-culture (country, nation) is the most dominant force on the planet and who specifically is the leader of that nation.  Our leader, leader of the free world, Donald Trump must be an anomaly to them even far and beyond all the ludicrous anomalies they have seen on Earth.  Leader of the free world, the yellow one, the one with the amusing hair.  He looks and acts like ‘Goldfinger’, the villain from the James Bond movies they’ve studied.  


No wonder we’re circling the drain. 


This ‘Goldfinger’ president is on television every day 24/7.  He’s always in trouble.  Everyone who’s anyone dislikes him.  He dislikes everyone.  He loves only gold.  He lies.  He’s not very bright.  He’s self-absorbed, rude and arrogant.  He seems to be not just a bad leader and sadly a bad man, but a universal as**ole as well.  He rejects every natural law of physics and biology that keep our planet and country in sync, and his mental stability from a psychological perspective is critically in question. 


Yet our planet’s sub-culture, America, elected him through our democratic system to be our leader and the most powerful man on the planet.  Go figure.  Our news programming feeds his insatiable appetite for publicity, power and fame by broadcasting his every word.  Some of us are at odds with him, but our system of democracy and law trump every natural instinct to neutralize this agent of harm to our country and to our planet.  He has a few influential-by-vote followers, but these are the renegade among us who have nothing to lose or have been disenfranchised by a lackluster democratic system that has seen better days.  So they cloak themselves in Trump’s American flag and disguise themselves as humans, ‘Americans’, and use their platform, Trump’s platform, to spread hate, uncertainty, and distrust.  While our planet and civilization cry in pain for help. 


Keep watching, America, and be aware that we are being watched as well, by everyone else on our Earth, and by civilizations in a galaxy far, far away.  Keep watching and keep doing nothing.  Because we are not only the greatest show on Earth, we are the laughing stock and entertainment of the universe.                



John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.
