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2-9-2019 Rediscovering Yourself Once The Kids Are Older

Sunday, February 10, 2019 - 2:30pm
Fran Pitre

Rediscovering Yourself

 Once The Kids Are Older


After watching their children walk out the door for the last time as they embark upon their own lives, many parents feel lost.  For the last 20 years, they have identified their role in life as family nurturer, dealing with diapers, homework and soccer practice. So how do you turn off that part of your life and undertake a journey of self-discovery to find your passion?


 “I think it is important for people to pursue their passion, regardless of where they are in life,” says Fran Pitre, mother of three sets of twins and author of the book TwinsX3 (


“My children and family are true blessings, but now that the kids are mostly grown, I am excited to get on with the next chapter of my life.”


In Pitre’s case, that means pursuing her next dream as a singer-songwriter. She describes her compositions as “heart and soul music”.  She says she is drawn to that type of music because she believes there is too much turmoil and negativity in the world today, and she hopes her songs will move, inspire and soothe her listeners.


“Doors and opportunities have opened for me already that have far exceeded my expectations,” she says. “I believe in me and I believe in my music.”


Pitre offers these tips for others who have reached a point in life where one chapter has closed and they want to rediscover themselves and pursue their dreams:

  • Allow yourself to be inspired. Pitre says it is easy to get down on yourself, but just being open to inspiration is the first step to an inspiration-filled life.
  • Take action. Don’t wait. Do it now. Life is short.
  • Be other’s inspiration. Live your life with passion, purpose and kindness, and you’ll naturally inspire others to do the same.
  • Realize it is never too late to chase your dream. Don’t let age stand in your way of realizing your dream.

“I have more energy and ambition now than when I was younger,” Pitre says. “I’ve waited my whole life for this amazing time and opportunity.”


About Fran Pitre


Fran Pitre, author of the book TwinsX3  and an aspiring musician, is a proud mother but she refuses to let that role define the rest of her life. Her three sets of twins include twin boys, twin girls, and one twin set that includes a boy and a girl.  As the kids were growing up, Pitre did freelance work as a graphic designer, wrote and published a book, and returned to school to become licensed in medical massage therapy. Today she works as part of a physical therapy team. Her first album entitled “You Always Were” consists of 7 full-length original songs and was released in late November 2018. Her music website is