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Crossing Guard brings Added Joy to Kids on the Last Day of School

Friday, May 31, 2019 - 3:15pm
Tami L. Johnson

If you drive through the town of North Ogden during the school year, you might see a half a dozen crossing guards wearing their bright, yellow vests, ready to do their job. Each of them is out fulfilling their daily duty of keeping kids safe while crossing the street. All take their jobs seriously.

            Crossing guard Preston Sant has been helping kids from North Ogden Elementary at his crossing site for four years now.

“I’m retired from ATK and the Utah National Guard.  I wanted something to do during the year and still have time for my wife and I to go do things in the summer.”

When thinking about how to fill his time, Preston thought a crossing guard job was the perfect fit.  You can see him there every day, morning and afternoon, on the corner of Washington Blvd. just above Lee’s Marketplace. Although the traffic is heavy at this crossing, Preston says, “It’s an important job I take seriously. The safety of the kids at my crossing is my honor, mission, and priority.”

Hearing the stories of kids brightens Preston’s day; and he looks forward to seeing them going to and coming from school.  “One day, I had two young ladies give me the complete story, history and facts on unicorns.”

    “The most rewarding things about being a crossing guard is watching the kids grow up”, Preston says, “and then watching them graduate from elementary school. That’s the bittersweet part of my job—to see the kids for 2 or 3 years and then they are off. I always wonder how they are doing.”

Of course, Preston has asked himself, “Why am I doing this?” Especially on cold, winter days when the wind chill is five below zero and he’s standing on a big bank of snow in his own driveway.  He tells himself, “It’s going to be OK. Yet, before he knows it, a monsoon rain falls down on him and he’s unprepared without a jacket.

As Christmas time rolls around, Preston has seen the generosity of others in North Ogden.  “Parents will stop and kids will jump out of the car, and they are just so excited to give me a plate of homemade cookies or a candy bar.”  And the treats just keep coming. “Once I had three little gals give me some donuts with pink frosting and sprinkles for my birthday. About makes me cry.”

As the school year winds down, students come out with kind notes, letting Preston know they are thankful he’s keeping them safe. “The little handmade and colored cards, some with backwards letters, are so heartwarming. I save them all.”

Preston wanted to do something extra special for the kids at North Ogden Elementary at the end of the school year to show his appreciation for them.

The idea of giving them an ice cream bar was the perfect idea; and one they would always remember. So, that’s just what Preston has done the last two years.  Filling his cooler with a huge assortment of ice cream sandwiches, there’s a flavor for everyone!

            “This just isn’t for the kids at North Ogden Elementary.  Each day, lots of parents drive by to the other schools with their kids. It’s so fun to wave and say hello and good morning to these kids as well.”

            As Preston calls it, “Operation Ice-cream 2,” once again brought a smile to the faces of North Ogden Elementary students on the last day of school. They came running down the sidewalk –so excited for a cold treat—even if it was only 56 degrees.

Thank you crossing guards for all you do! Have a great summer!  See you next year!
