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Local Church Activities

Tuesday, May 13, 2014 - 9:30am


Main Street Church had a wonderful Kid’s Club Vacation Bible School over spring break. The theme was: “Where Kids Join Forces with God – Hero Headquarters.” Including children as young as 4 through 5th grade, they discovered the stories of unnamed Bible people who were not famous, yet their small acts were used by God to do wonderful things. This was four days of Bible stories, games, crafts and activities. The kids had a wonderful time, and are looking forward to another Kid’s Club. Don’t forget the 6th Annual Women's Retreat 2014 is Friday, May 2 through Sunday, May 4 at Campus Grove in Albion, Idaho, which is approximately 1hr. 45minutes northwest of Brigham City.


Saint Henry Catholic Church is located at 380 South 200 East, Brigham City. Seniors desiring to further their education should apply for the Knights of Columbus John M. Mc Dermott scholarship. Applications need to be in by May 18th. Applications can be received from the following Knights: George Fuller 435-225-4133 Rholand Lange 435-723-2154 or James Bond 435-720-1459.


At Saint James the Just Catholic Church, one of the big events for our Youth Group is to attend Steubenville of the Rockies in Denver, Colorado, each summer.  To help raise the funds for this event, we had a huge yard sale; which is the main fund raiser for this event at the end of March. We have been able to raise some of what we need, so that all teens of the parish may attend regardless of their families’ financial situation. This is an amazing weekend and highly recommended for all to attend. After the yard sale was completed, all items not sold was donated to charity. It was a long hard weekend, but it was worth it! Our youth have had a great time paintballing at Monstah Paintball here in Ogden.


North Valley Bible Church

Debby Fellows will be taking the ladies through “Knowing Jesus, Knowing Joy”, a study of Philippians by Melanie Newton. This study was started back in January and will continue every other Saturday for seven months.

Brigham City Bible Church

We are very proud of Blen Harline & Joshua Simpkins for the wonderful recording that they did a few weeks ago, called ‘Heart of Worship’. Blen did the vocals and harmony on the first verse, with Joshua on the second verse and both sang the chorus. Joshua also played the bass and the guitar. It is posted on the Facebook page. We have a couple of reminders for upcoming activities that have in the past been very special:  Mother's Day Breakfast on Sunday, May 11 and Fathers' Day Breakfast, Sunday, June 15.