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Investment​s in Education, Veterans, and the Future. News From the Community Foundation of Utah

Friday, May 23, 2014 - 2:15pm
Community Foundation of Utah

Scholarships Awarded


39 high school and college students will be attending school this fall as recipients of educational scholarships awarded through the Community Foundation of Utah. 

Click here to watch a recent story that aired regarding our Willy The Plumber Scholarship.



Women's Giving Circle Presents Lyn Christian


The Utah Women's Giving Circle invites you to an energizing luncheon on June 3rd with Lyn Christian: Enliven and enlarge your vision of who you are and what you can achieve. Lyn Christian draws on her own captivating story of reinvention at the age of 50 to help you integrate clear strategies for achieving your goals. Find out more here.



Plan Now to Reduce Your 2014 Taxes


Donor Advised Funds are a cost effective and efficient way to manage your giving - and receive expert assistance from our staff. If you wrote a big check to the IRS last month, you may want to begin planning now to reduce your taxes for 2014 by creating a Donor Advised Fund at the Community Foundation of Utah. We are here to help!



Welcome To Our New Fund Holders


  • The Cancierge Foundation - a Field of Interest Fund to support people and families living with cancer
  • Donor Advised Fund (Anonymous)



Honoring Our Vetrans


This Memorial Day, there are many ways to honor those who have served our country. The Panoramaland Fund at the Community Foundation of Utah runs the Honor flights program which takes Utah WW2 veterans to Washington DC to experience the monuments commemorating their service. Find out more, or donate here.



Planning For The Future


Community Foundations have been around for 100 years.

We are planning for the next 100 years by hosting events such as the Philanthropy and Planned Giving Seminar. Thanks to the Utah Financial Planning Association of Utah for Partnering with us on the event that brought 100 CPA's, financial planners, and attorneys together for productive discussions regarding the future of philanthropy.

Our thanks go to WWT Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, whose sponsorship helped make this event possible. 



Helping Nonprofits Become Self Sustaining


  • Nail It Then Scale It - We are pleased to partner with UVU to offer this intensive training on June 17th from 8:30am -12:30pm for nonprofits, social enterprises, or established organizations looking to bring on a new funding stream. Nonprofits will learn how to ensure their ideas, programs and innovations become scalable. Register Here.
  • GE Capital Bank and the Community Foundation of Utah are partnering on a unique program designed to enhance the leadership, management skills and organizational capacity of rural nonprofits. An application is due June 2. Please call Fraser Nelson for details at (801) 559-3005.