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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles


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Don’t let Liberty Die Because of Your Ignorance

A week before the 4th of July everyone dons patriotic symbols .  A week later few do.  The event comes and goes: colors red, white, and blue are popular for a day.  One might be viewed as “super patriotic” (as though this were bad) were one to display the symbols too long.

6-27-2019 New 'generic' insulin is no cure for what ails the drug market

Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly is about to face some fierce competition -- from itself. The company recently announced plans to offer a generic version of its own insulin drug, Humalog, at half price. 

What gives?

For drug companies, price reductions aren't as simple as they are for, say, car dealers looking to clear out last year's stock.

Quotes & sayings

6-26-2019 Five Companies That Are Truly Living Their Brand

Five Companies That Are Truly Living Their Brand
Lindsay Pedersen spotlights five companies that infuse brand promise in delightful and inspiring ways, from the breakroom to the boardroom, and everywhere in between.

          Seattle, WA (June 2019)—Too many companies think brand-building belongs to the marketing department. But actually, it's everyone's business, says Lindsay Pedersen.

5 wild animals you may not know live in Utah

5 wild animals you may not know live in Utah


SALT LAKE CITY — Many Utahns have seen deer, jackrabbits and a variety of birds while recreating throughout the state. But the Beehive State is home to a whole host of animals that you may not even know about. Here are five wildlife species that you may not have realized live in Utah.




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Northern Utah Happenings

6-25-2019 EPA regulations are costly, bring little benefit

The Senate just confirmed Andrew Wheeler to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.   

Since joining the Trump administration early last year, Wheeler has eagerly pared back environmental regulations. He's sure to continue these rollbacks now that he's the EPA's official head.

Red Cross urges donors to fill Missing Types to prevent summer blood shortage

24, Salt Lake City, UT — The _meric_n Red Cr_ss needs _l_ _d d_n_rs to bring back the missing A’s, B’s and O’s. A few missing letters may not seem like a big deal in a sentence, but for patients who need A, B, O and AB blood types, these missing letters mean life.


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