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Dear Dave, We’ve always just assumed that we would use credit cards for Christmas, and accepted the fact that there would be a mountain of debt to pay off in January and February. Can you tell us how... read more
Nine Types of Clients You Should Cut Loose in 2016 Every great gardener knows the benefits that winter pruning will have come springtime. Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey explain how that basic... read more
   Pleasant View - Seminary students at Weber High are taking seriously the meaning of the Christmas season. How, you ask? By going through the journey entitled, “16 Days Closer to Christ.”  Brother... read more Updates in Your Inbox! Groundbreakings for Kinshasa and Barranquilla Temples Set for Early 2016 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced that the... read more
Governor appoints David Damschen as new state treasurer   SALT LAKE CITY (Dec. 11, 2015) – Gov. Gary R. Herbert has announced his appointment of David Damschen as the new Utah state treasurer.... read more
Lee Calls For HUD Zoning Rule To Be Defunded   WASHINGTON - Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) released the following statement Thursday, reminding Republican leaders that the upcoming government funding bill... read more
FBI Director: Hatch Bill Will Increase Law Enforcement Efficiency and Accuracy  “[Hatch’s] bill would help us change the world in a very, very exciting way."   WASHINGTON—FBI Director James Comey... read more
Senator Delivers Final Speech in Series Highlighting Importance of Religious Liberty    WASHINGTON—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, delivered the eighth... read more
Hatch, Brady, Wyden Announce Deal on Bipartisan Customs Legislation Deal Strengthens Enforcement of U.S. Trade Laws, Promotes Legitimate Trade Facilitation, and Preserves Intellectual Property  ... read more
Ogden Union Stockyards to be transformed into a modern business park Ogden City discusses plans to rebuild the Ogden Union Stockyards in a video detailing the vision for a master planned business... read more
