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Feb. 20, 2018 Good morning from Washington, where it seems lawmakers increasingly are eager to embrace the agenda of transgender activists. An Ohio case shows how badly that could go for parents and... read more
Providing the right resources that help students learn in our elementary schools is a challenge that deserves our help. North Ogden Kiwanis Club members have had this as a major goal for the past 15... read more
PLEASANT VIEW — FrontRunner commuter rail service to Pleasant View, with the lowest ridership in the Utah Transit Authority system, will indefinitely end in August. The plans stem from federal rules... read more
Harrisville Police Department is presenting a “Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Course” to be held on Thursday, March 15th, 2018, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Harrisville City Hall (363 W.... read more
Just where do you start when deciding to trust people?  It’s so easy to get hurt. It can be difficult to decide who is truly genuine and who is fake. Someone who has a hidden agenda will do... read more
We would love your input on how we can improve our counseling center to meet the needs of our students and parents. Below is a link for a survey that will help us be able to plan activities and... read more
We would love your input on how we can improve our counseling center to meet the needs of our students and parents. Below is a link for a survey that will help us be able to plan activities and... read more
The deepest, richest look into media strategy and practicalities   6 components, 1 week Nobody captures the... read more
