San Juan County Issues Statement Regarding H.R. 4532
San Juan County (Jan. 9, 2018) – Today, members of our community testified in favor of H.R. 4532. This legislation would create the... read more
Meet the Constitution Party evening get acquainted session
Frank Fluckiger, Chairman of the Constitution Party nationally, will present an overview of what the party is doing, its objectives, and how... read more
Fog inversion creeped up to the bottom of our street at 3300 N and 800 E in the late Sunday afternoon
Did you know that head lice infestations are most common throughout the year in the month of January? It's true, unfortunately, 6 to 12 million infestations occur each year in the United States among... read more


Dear Dave,
I have cousins who are thinking about moving back to Connecticut from Virginia. They’ll be renting for a while, and I have an unoccupied rental house. Do you think renting to family is a... read more
Winter Driving Advice
· Clean off all ice and snow from your car, especially from windows and all lights. This includes your roof, hood, and trunk lid. Keep a good ice scraper in your car... read more
Sen. Lee Statement on Utah Retaining Apache Battalion
WASHINGTON - Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) released the following statement today in response to Army Secretary Mark Esper’s recent decision to follow... read more
With Martin Luther King, Jr. Day around the corner and 92 percent of blacks saying whites benefit a great deal or a fair amount from advantages not available to blacks – versus 46 percent of whites... read more