Febuary 20th
March 3rd
Two Mormon Apostles to Attend 2017 US Presidential Inauguration
‘Light the World’ Initiative Encourages Year-Round Service
New... read more
Sen. Hatch’s leadership is vital to Utah’s future
Mark S. Whitney, Kerry W. Gibson, Leland Pollock and Dell LeFevre, County Commissioners in Utah
An excerpt from The Spectrum:
Thanks to Sen.... read more
Sens. Lee, Paul Urge Pres.-Elect Trump to Include Congress in National Security, Foreign Affairs
WASHINGTON - Yesterday, Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY) sent a letter to President-... read more
Jan. 18, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where much head-scratching greets President Obama's decision to free the soldier who gave state secrets to WikiLeaks. Cully Stimson analyzes the move.... read more
Local News Highlights: Daily Briefing
Morning Must Reads for Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Good Wednesday morning from Salt Lake City. Today is the 18th day of the year. There are 347 days... read more
GLSEN Statement on Betsy DeVos’ Confirmation Hearing for Secretary of Education
NEW YORK (January 17, 2017) – GLSEN’s Executive Director, Dr. Eliza Byard, released the following statement in... read more
International Trade Thuggery
President-elect Donald Trump's threats against American companies looking to relocate in foreign countries have won favorable review from many quarters. Support... read more
Two Mormon Apostles to Attend 2017 US Presidential Inauguration
‘Light the World’ Initiative Encourages Year-Round Service
New... read more