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Updates From Governor Office

Monday, January 1, 2018 - 6:30pm

Governor Gary R. Herbert’s Schedule

January 1, 2018 - January 5, 2018

**The Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**


Monday, January 1

New Year’s Day

No Public Events


Tuesday, January 2

8:30 a.m.   Clearfield City Council Oath of Office Ceremony

Location:   Clearfield Municipal Building


10:00 a.m.  Duchesne County Economic Development Meeting

Location:    Governor’s Office


11:00 a.m.  Meet with General Counsel

Location:    Governor’s Office


11:30 a.m.  Meet with Chief of Staff

Location:   Governor’s Office


1:30 p.m.   Meet with Staff

Location:   Governor’s Office


3:00 p.m.   Morgan County Economic Development Meeting

Location:   Governor’s Office


Wednesday, January 3

9:00 a.m.   Visit AP Human Geography Class

Location:   South Hills Middle School


11:30 a.m.  Meet with Lt. Gov. Cox

Location:   Governor’s Office


1:00 p.m.   Meet with Staff

Location:   Governor’s Office


Thursday, January 4

8:30 a.m.   Meet with Staff

Location:   Governor’s Office


10:40 a.m.  Utah Alliance for Determinants of Health

Location:    Governor’s Office


12:00 p.m.  Utah Sports Commission Board Meeting

Location:    Salt Lake City


2:30 p.m.   Beaver County Economic Development Meeting

Location:   Governor’s Office


Friday, January 5

9:30 a.m.   Meet with Staff

Location:   Governor’s Office


11:00 a.m.  Visit U.S. Government Class

Location:    Bountiful High School


2:30 p.m.   Tour Heritage and Arts Collections

Location:   Salt Lake City


Lt. Governor Spencer J. Cox’s Schedule

January 1, 2018 - January 5, 2018

**The Lt. Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**


Monday, January 1

No Public Events


Tuesday, January 2

No Public Events


Wednesday, January 3

9:00 a.m.  Women’s Leadership Initiative Board Meeting

Location:  Salt Lake Chamber


10:30 a.m.  Meet with Staff

Location:    Lt. Governor’s Office


11:30 a.m.  Weekly Meeting with Governor

Location:    Governor’s Office


12:30 p.m.  Discussion on Rural Jobs

Location:    Lt. Governor’s Office


1:00 p.m.   Meet with Staff

Location:   Governor’s Office


Thursday, January 4

10:00 a.m.  Discussion on Rural Jobs

Location:    Governor’s Office


10:45 a.m.  Meet with Staff

Location:    Lt. Governor’s Office


1:30 p.m.  Interviews

Location:  Lt. Governor’s Office


Friday, January 5

No Public Events