Nov. 01, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where we grieve for those killed or wounded in yesterday's apparent terror attack in New York City. The news comes as the nation's capital grapples with a resurgent Clinton scandal, a Democrat-connected firm's role in Russia questions, the EPA's new anti-cronyism rules, and whether scrapping a familiar tax deduction is smart. We've got accounts from Hans von Spakovsky, Fred Lucas, Kevin Mooney, and Rachel Greszler, respectively. Plus: Kelsey Harkness' video report on one businesswoman's hope for a tax cut, and Whitney Jones on what President Trump is doing about Obamacare signups. We're with you, New York.
The FBI gathered substantial evidence when the bureau was under the direction of Mueller that officials in the Russian nuclear industry were using bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering to grow its "atomic energy business inside the [U.S.]."
As Republicans prepare to unveil the details of their major tax reform proposal this week, a small business owner in America's heartland speaks out about how she and her employees could benefit.
Witnesses told police that the driver yelled "Allahu Akbar" during the attack, which is being investigated as an act of terrorism.
The lobbying group co-founded by Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign chairman is in the crosshairs of the special counsel's investigation.
The nation's top environmental protection official signs a directive aimed at preventing conflicts of interest while bolstering the independence and integrity of scientists who advise the government.
This "compromise" could end up making home ownership less affordable for middle-income Americans.
The navigator program is a federal initiative designed to guide Obamacare enrollees as they jump through the system’s bureaucratic hoop.
Certain people have come up with a name for the ongoing liberal response to Clinton’s defeat. They call it Trump derangement syndrome.
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