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Conservatives Find Willing Negotiating Partner in Trump, Not in Speaker Paul Ryan, on Obamacare Repeal

Friday, March 10, 2017 - 10:00am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

March 10, 2017

Good morning from Washington, where President Trump appears more interested in making a deal with conservative lawmakers on dismantling Obamacare than their leadership is. Melissa Quinn explores. Some conservatives are reviving the repeal vetoed last year by Barack Obama, as Morgan Walker reports. The problem is the new plan isn't repeal at all, Genevieve Wood explains in a video commentary. Plus: Josh Siegel on a man asking Trump to help free his father from an Iranian prison, and Steve Bucci on roots of the latest damaging WikiLeaks disclosures.


Conservatives Find Willing Negotiating Partner in Trump, Not in Speaker Paul Ryan, on Obamacare Repeal


Soon after House Republican leadership released the text of an Obamacare replacement bill, President Trump and top administration officials began courting support from conservative lawmakers and outside groups.

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5 Reasons the GOP's Obamacare Plan Isn't Real Repeal


Congress is trying to treat the symptoms of a failing program as opposed to going after the cause of the disease.

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Who to Blame for the Latest WikiLeaks Dump: Manning and Snowden


There should be no question in anyone's mind that this was a huge blow to America's security and makes the nation less safe.

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Rand Paul, Jim Jordan Buck Leadership by Reviving 2015 Obamacare Repeal


"We can honor our promise right away by passing the same language we acted on in the last Congress," Sen. Rand Paul says.

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Son, Brother of American Hostages in Iran Pleads for Trump's Help


Tehran sentenced 80-year-old Baquer Namazi and his youngest son, Siamak, 45—also a U.S. citizen—to 10 years in prison for collaborating with a foreign government—the United States.

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Hill Staffers in Security Probe Said to Keep Stepmom in 'Captivity' to Access Cash


Longtime employers such as Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., have stood by three Pakistani brothers accused of using their Hill positions to enrich themselves.

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'Day Without a Woman' Strike Organized by Group With All-Male Leadership


The Action Network is headed by five men in leadership roles, and has been active in organizing anti-Trump events since the president's election.

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