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How would you fix Washington?

Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 8:45am
Senator Mike Lee

How Would You Fix Washington?

How would you fix Washington? Every month I host a live telephone discussion with thousands of Utahns to answer their questions, open a dialogue on important issues, and build awareness for policies I am supporting. This month, I want to hear how you would fix Washington. You can share your policy proposals on this form. I will invite up to three policy innovators to join me during this live telephone townhall to discuss their proposals. All serious proposals that provide innovative ideas for addressing our national opportunity crisis or simply fixing a broken government in Washington will be considered. I believe Utahns have a vital role to play in determining the future direction of the country, and this is your chance to play your part.


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Click here to share your solutions for fixing Washington

Debating the National Defense Authorization Act

The Senate is currently debating the National Defense Authorization Act to renew our nation's most important defense related programs.  As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I fought to ensure that language was included that would preserve Utah's National Guard Fleet. The bill is currently being debated in an open process on the Senate Floor, and I recently introduced an amendment with several other colleagues that would delay listing the Greater Sage Grouse under the Endangered Species Act. This delay would give states the ability to implement conservation plans to ensure our military readiness and the survival of the bird. In addition to these two provisions, I am also committed to making sure the NDAA doesn't contain language that would deny due process rights to Americans.  I will keep you updated on the progress of my efforts on this bill to make sure it meets the needs of Utah's defense community and the defense needs of the nation.