The kids are back in school as of August 28th, please be especially cautious driving in school zones. Watch for the buses pulling off the roadways and kids crossing streets!!
The recycle opt-out period will be from September 1st- September 30th. This is the only period annually that residents can opt out of the program. If you have a recycling can and would like to discontinue service, please contact the City Office at 435-723-6461. If you are interested in recycling, you can sign up at any time.
CITIZEN PATROL VOLUNTEERS WANTED! The Perry City Police Department works hard to eliminate crime in the neighborhoods, business districts, and communities throughout the City. As a new tool to help in this effort, the Citizen Patrol Program was created to bring Perry citizens and the Police Department together for a common goal: to improve the quality of life by eliminating crime. The Citizen Patrol Program is designed to provide a means for citizens to organize into patrol groups for the purpose of reducing crime in our community. Citizen Patrollers are the additional eyes and ears that the police can count on to make Perry City a safer place to live and work. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Perry City Police Department’s volunteer Citizen Patrol program, please visit our office or our website for more details at
Perry City has passed a new code enforcement ordinance. This ordinance was passed to give Perry City the ability to enforce the ordinances without having to press criminal charges. One of the most pressing issues of concern to our residents, and that of our fire marshal due to the extreme dry weather, is the issue of weeds. Section 304.1.2 Vegetation: of the international fire code states: weeds, grass, vines or other growth that is capable of being ignited and endangering property, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the premises. Perry City is encouraging all residents to please work towards maintaining their property in order to keep the risk of fire to a minimum.
Meet the Candidates Night will be held on Tuesday, October 17th from 6:30pm-8pm at the Three Mile Creek Elementary School (2625 S 1050 W). The General Election will take place November 7, 2017! Remember to get registered to vote!
The Wastewater Treatment Facility Board has requested the notices were sent out to residents NOT to dispose of needles by flushing them down the toilet. This creates a dangerous situation for the Wastewater.
Three Mile Creek Elementary is starting their fundraiser this month. Buy a card from Little Caesars and receive 10 bread sticks orders for the $10.00 donation.
Congratulations to our spectacular September EXPLORERS OF THE MONTH! These students will get their picture in the Box Elder News Journal, our school "Hall of Fame", and get a special treat from Principal Nelson at the end of the month
Notice of Public Hearing, Planning & Zoning Commission
Please take notice that the Perry City Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the 21st day of September, 2017 beginning at 7:15 p.m. The public hearing will be held at Perry City Hall, Council Chambers located at 3005 South 1200 West, Perry, Utah.
The purpose of the hearing is to receive public input and comments regarding a proposed new chapter pertaining to Civic and Recreation Uses. The proposed ordinance is intended to cover all publically owned, real property, and municipal property owned, leased or located within the City limits. It is intended to include property controlled by the city, school district, flood control district and similar entities. If enacted by the City council, the land use table will also be amended. A copy of the proposed ordinance may be obtained from the City Recorder at City Hall.