Feb. 12, 2018
Good morning from Washington, where lawmakers' attention is turning to rehabbing the nation's infrastructure. Let’s start with facts, Michael Sargent suggests: Most of our highways aren’t "crumbling." A conservative legal group hopes to expose the motives of FBI and Justice officials who targeted the president, Kevin Mooney writes. What's with the federal probe related to Bernie Sanders' better half? Fred Lucas rounds up known facts. Plus: Amy Swearer on an unneeded security blanket for journalists, Ryan T. Anderson on glaring contradictions in transgenderism, and Nolan Peterson on how a Russian invasion changed one man's life.
"If Jane Sanders had been Jane Doe, she never would have gotten the loan [for the college]," says lawyer Brady Toensing, a Republican activist. "But I now want the justice system to treat her like Jane Doe by conducting a fair, impartial, and thorough investigation."
The young Crimean Tatar man found himself living in an Orwellian police state, where those who spoke out against the new Russian regime were silenced. Sometimes, people simply disappeared.
While activists claim that the possibilities for gender identity are rather expansive—man, woman, both, neither—they also insist that gender identity is innate, or established at a very young age, and thereafter immutable.
A full 93 percent of the miles driven on the National Highway System is on pavement that is in fair or better condition.
Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., and several other Democrats introduced a bill they say is necessary to protect journalists from violent attacks caused by the Trump administration's "toxic culture."
Judicial Watch is pressing the Justice Department in court for documents that could allow Americans to decide for themselves whether politically motivated FBI officials compromised the bureau’s investigations of Hillary Clinton’s email habits and Russian election meddling.
"I thought President Trump did a great job in his speech. I was disappointed he didn’t call for the repeal of Obamacare this year," writes Tonie Lesia Dalton.
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