Gov. Herbert meets with Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior
SALT LAKE CITY (Feb. 9, 2018) – This morning, Gov. Gary R. Herbert met with Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Department of the Interior.
Their meeting focused on the Department of the Interior’s efforts to reduce and realign regions for their department, with the aim to put decision makers closer to the states and their people. The governor believes Utah would benefit from such changes, and hopes that such changes will improve efficiency and good communication when it comes to public lands decisions that matter to Utahns. He released the following statement:
The Department of the Interior’s plan to realign the regions in their department reflects good old-fashioned common sense. Practical solutions like this can help restore trust between the states and the federal government. I look forward to additional discussion regarding this proposal with my fellow governors in Washington, D.C. at the National Governors Association meetings later this month.
Governor Gary R. Herbert’s Schedule
February 12, 2018 - February 16, 2018
**The Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**
Monday, February 12
10:00 a.m. Meet with Leadership Team
Location: Governor’s Office
12:00 p.m. Meet with Lt. Governor Cox
Location: Governor’s Office
1:00 p.m. Meet with Chief of Staff
Location: Governor’s Office
1:30 p.m. Meet with General Counsel
Location: Governor’s Office
4:00 p.m. Boards and Commissions
Location: Governor’s Office
Tuesday, February 13
10:00 a.m. Millard County Economic Development Meeting
Location: Governor’s Office
2:30 p.m. Carbon County Economic Development Meeting
Location: Governor’s Office
5:00 p.m. Meet with Legislative Leadership
Location: Governor’s Office
Wednesday, February 14
8:00 a.m. Meet with Legislative Leadership
Location: Governor’s Office
9:45 a.m. Visit Film Day on the Hill
Location: State Capitol, Rotunda
Media Access
11:30 a.m. Meet with Attorney General
Location: Governor’s Office
3:00 p.m. Deliver Valentines to Veterans
Location: George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Media Access
Thursday, February 15
9:30 a.m. Meet with Legislative Leadership
Location: State Capitol
11:00 a.m. Greet the Honorable Stephane Lessard, Consul General for Canada
Location: State Capitol, Gold Room
2:00 p.m. Media Availability
Location: State Capitol, Governor’s Conference Room
Media Availability
Friday, February 16
9:00 a.m. Utah School Boards Association Day on the Hill
Location: State Capitol, Rotunda
11:00 a.m. Utah Fallen Service Members Memorial
Location: State Capitol, Gold Room
12:00 p.m. Cabinet Meeting
Location: State Capitol
1:30 p.m. Realtor Day on the Hill
Location: Salt Lake City
2:00 p.m. Daggett County Economic Development Meeting
Location: Governor’s Office
Lt. Governor Spencer J. Cox’s Schedule
February 12 - February 16, 2018
**The Lt. Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**
Monday, February 12
8:30 a.m. Meet with Staff
Location: State Capitol
10:30 a.m. Governor’s Leadership Team
Location: State Capitol
12:00 p.m. Weekly Meeting with Governor
Location: Governor’s Office
2:00 p.m. Operation Rio Grande Discussions
Location: State Capitol
3:00 p.m. Meet with Senator Bramble
Location: State Capitol
4:00 p.m. Boards & Commissions Meeting
Location: State Capitol
Tuesday, February 13
9:00 a.m. Meet with Jay Francis, Larry H. Miller Group
Location: State Capitol
10:00 a.m. Film for Good Morning Utah Segment
Location: ABC 4 Studio
11:00 a.m. Meet with Representative Fawson
Location: Lt. Governor’s Office
11:00 a.m. Meet with Legislative Majority Leaders
Location: Lt. Governor’s Office
3:00 p.m. Suicide Prevention Task Force Meeting
Location: State Capitol
12:30 p.m. Meet with Legislative Leadership
Location: Governor’s Office
Wednesday, February 14
7:30 a.m. X96 Radio from Hell Interview
Location: X96 Studio, Salt Lake City
8:00 a.m. Meet with Legislative Minority Leadership
Location: State Capitol
9:45 a.m. Visit Film Day on the Hill
Location: State Capitol, Rotunda
10:00 a.m. Meet with Staff
Location: Lt. Governor’s Office
2:00 p.m. State Homelessness Coordinating Committee
Location: State Capitol
Thursday, February 15
8:45 a.m. Speak at Utah Highway Users Association Legislative Breakfast
Location: The Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City
9:30 a.m. Meet with Legislative Leadership
Location: State Capitol
11:00 a.m. Visit Tech Day on the Hill
Location: State Capitol, Rotunda
11:30 a.m. Suicide Prevention Task Force Meeting
Location: State Capitol
1:00 p.m. Quarterly Energy Review Meeting
Location: Lt. Governor’s Office
2:30 p.m. Elections Review Meeting
Location: Lt. Governor’s Office
Friday, February 16
9:30 a.m. Families of Fallen Service Members Memorial Event
Location: State Capitol
12:15 p.m. Cabinet Meeting
Location: State Capitol
1:15 p.m. Speak at Realtor Day at the Legislature
Location: State Capitol
12:00 p.m. Speak at J. Reuben Clark Law Society’s Annual Conference
Location: University of Utah