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Obama Advocates for UN Gun Treaty Ratificatio

Monday, September 12, 2016 - 4:00pm
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Sept. 12, 2016

President Obama, his days waning in Washington, presses the Senate to ratify a U.N. treaty on small arms that critics call vague and unnecessary. Fred Lucas reports. House Republicans disagree over funding the government after Oct. 1. Philip Wegmann sorts it out. In a revealing Q&A, the strategist who convinced skeptical Britons to vote for leaving the European Union talks to Josh Siegel. Plus: James Gottry on "social progress" intruding on our children's privacy, and Walter Williams on failed public schools and the crime rate.


Obama Advocates for UN Gun Treaty Ratification


"A lot could be done to rationalize gun control. The treaty has no prohibitions, no thou-shalt-nots," says Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America.

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House Republicans Divided Over Spending Bill Strategy


Republican Study Committee Chairman Bill Flores of Texas joined with Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan, sources tell The Daily Signal, to make the push for a long-term continuing resolution during a closed-door meeting Friday.

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Architect of Brexit Victory Reflects on How He Won Swing Voters


The "leave" campaign could not have won without attracting the support of swing voters, a middle group of people of various political stripes who needed convincing to vote to exit the European Union. Here's how they convinced them.

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The Most Dangerous Period in Washington Could Be About to Happen


Rather than dealing with the hard issues up front, congressional leadership waits for a lame-duck session to handle controversial measures.

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When 'Liberty' Forces 18 Girls Into a Single-Stall Shower Room


In version 2.0 of the New Regime, even if you can point to a direct, immediate, and significant intrusion on your life, your opinion is irrelevant (and perhaps bigoted) when compared to "social progress."

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What the Media, Academics Get Wrong When They Blame Crime Rate on Poverty, Discrimination


Walter Williams points out some inconvenient historical facts.

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