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Monday, September 12, 2016 - 4:00pm

Epilepsy Foundation Receives $77,000 from Shopko to Support Epilepsy Research and Awareness



Landover, MD (September 6, 2016) – Shopko, a leading retailer providing a convenient one-stop-shopping experience to rural communities across the country, announced their fundraising results from their participation in Epilepsy Foundation’s “Lemonade for Livy” campaign. A $77,000 donation was presented to Jon Scheinman, Senior Director of Community Development of the Epilepsy Foundation and Hailey Scheinman, Co-Founder of the “Lemonade for Livy” campaign. The campaign focused on encouraging the need for continued support of epilepsy programs and research funding.


“We are committed to supporting families in the hometowns we are privileged to serve, including those living with epilepsy,” said Peter McMahon, Shopko CEO. “We are thankful for the community’s overwhelming support of ‘Lemonade for Livy’ campaign.”

In 2011, Lemonade for Livy started as a small initiative to help Olivia “Livy” Scheinman, and now it has become the official campaign for the Epilepsy Foundation. Shortly after birth, Livy had her first seizure. She was then diagnosed with a brain malformation resulting in multifocal partial epilepsy. Today at age 11, Livy, with the help of her twin sister Hailey, mom, and dad, dedicates every day to finding a cure for epilepsy. Meet Hailey and Livy.


For more information on “Lemonade for Livy” please visit


Research Facility Announces New Technology for Treating Lyme Disease Using Hyperthermia Therapy

Photo – Brett J Earl, MD performing hyperthermia therapy on a patient.

Lyme disease symptoms can be debilitating as "Lymies" can attest

Functional Alternative Research (FAR) Clinic orchestrates cutting-edge modalities, including Whole Body Hydro-Hyperthermia Therapy to combat Lyme disease.


One of the basic ways our body fights disease naturally is to increase its core temperature through a fever...a perfect way of knowing our body is doing its job and we are on the road to wellness

— Dr. Brett J Earl, MD

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, UNITED STATE, September 12, 2016 / -- Dr. Brett J Earl, MD and his team have developed cutting edge technologies, including upgraded hyperthermia therapy—now combined with other high-tech modalities—are diagnosing causes and symptoms as well as determining optimum therapies for Lyme disease patients who visit the FAR Clinic from across the nation.
Hyperthermia Therapy: An Effective Treatment for Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is the most common of all the tick-borne diseases, and is caused most frequently by the Borrelia Burgdorferi bacterium. People may often contract Lyme by being bitten by deer ticks, also known and blacklegged ticks. It can also be transmitted by sexual contact and through the mother to her unborn child. Recent studies suggest that Lyme is an infectious disease that can also be transmitted by other means as well.
 Medical professionals are working to develop new and improved methods of fighting Lyme disease.
One of the problems with Lyme disease is the fact that it’s a chameleon disease, like lupus—its symptoms can be confused with those of over 300 other maladies. This being the case, Lyme disease is clearly one of the most under-diagnosed and mistreated diseases today. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that over 300,000 people are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year, when in reality, many experts believe the actual number of new patients suffering with it each year may be even much higher. In round figures, the number diagnosed with Lyme is 1.5 times the number of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer annually, and six times the number of new HIV/AIDS cases each year, and almost infinitely more than people diagnosed with the Zika virus.
And it is spreading. Although most cases are still diagnosed in the Northeast and Pacific coast, the blacklegged (deer) tick has been found in half of the counties in 43 US states. That’s an increase of nearly 150% since 1998, according to a CDC study.
The most common symptoms of Lyme disease are:
• Chronic Fatigue
• Unexplained muscle pain
• Head and/or neck aches and stiffness (i.e. Bell’s palsy)
• Paralysis of the face, or one or more extremities (arm or leg)
• Joint pain, in particular from one to the other joint (i.e. variable)
• Brain Fog (confusion, lack of clarity or focus, short term memory loss, etc.)
• Neurological issues (numbness, weakness, seizures, visual problems, fainting, dizziness, etc.)
• Emotional issues like depression, anxiety, grumpiness, mood swings, etc.
• Heart pain and/or palpitations
• A bull’s eye rash (redness looking like a bull’s eye with a solid center and an outer ring)
When caught and diagnosed early, Lyme disease may be successfully treated with antibiotics. However, because of the difficulty in diagnosing the disease, it often reaches chronic stage before it is nailed down. Once that happens, it’s hard to cure, and it may become more a question of controlling rather than curing because the Lyme spirochete is adept at creating a biofilm (protein) shell to protect itself against the body’s immune system and antibiotics.
Hope is on the horizon, though, and its name is hyperthermia therapy.
Whole Body Hyperthermia Therapy
Hyperthermia therapy as a means of fighting disease and infections is as old as the human race. It’s the oldest and most natural form of fighting illness. We also call it a fever. As Dr. Brett Earl, MD, medical director of the FAR Clinic near Salt Lake City, Utah explains, “One of the basic ways our body fights disease naturally is to increase its core temperature through a fever. When the body’s intelligence senses cellular danger or imposition it goes to war through an inflammatory response which sends healing cells like cytokines to the affected area or throughout the entire body; causing heat, redness and inflammation to an area (like in the case of a sliver) or fever, body aches, chills, etc. (in the case of a virus). This is a perfect way of knowing our body is doing its job and we are on the road to wellness.”
Ancient Egyptians and Greeks used heat to cure various illnesses, one of them being cancer.
In modern times, hyperthermia therapy has become a widely used alternative treatment for cancers, because the higher core body temperatures inhibit tumor growth and kill cancer cells, as well as Lyme spirochetes.
To create whole body hyperthermia, the medical team at the FAR Clinic places the patient in a modified wet suit, with hoses in the feet, and exits in the shoulders. Hot water is passed over the body, with the temperature gradually increasing until the desired core body temperature of the patient is achieved.
Hyperthermia and Lyme disease
In fighting Lyme disease, the principle is the same as with the body’s natural response to infection. Raising the body’s core temperature allows the body’s natural defense systems to kick in, and kill the bacteria which cause Lyme Disease—Borelli Burgdorferi—for example. A whole body fever helps kill off those bacteria. Borrelia bacteria begin to die off at a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit, 40.555 degrees Celsius, while doing no harm to the normal cells in the body.
With heated water running over the body in an enclosed environment (wet suit), the body’s core temperature is slowly raised to the optimum temperature while the temperature inside the cells raises even higher because of chemical reactions and other factors. As the core temperature rises, the body’s natural illness fighting mechanism—fever—kicks into high gear, killing off the Lyme spirochetes. You get the best of both worlds: Modern technology to enhance the most natural means of combating illness and infection.
How Safe is Hyperthermmia?
New patients are given a thorough physical examination, a litany of tests, pulmonary and heart function analysis, blood work, etc., before beginning any type of whole body hyperthermia therapy at the clinic. During the therapy, the head is always free, and kept cooler. Additionally, trained and skilled medical personnel there are always in immediate attendance with the patient while vital signs and other indicators are constantly being monitored and observed.


Jess Cagle to Be Honored at 2016 GLSEN Respect Awards – Los Angeles


LOS ANGELES (September 12, 2016) – GLSEN, the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe and affirming schools for all students, will honor Jess Cagle, Editorial Director of Time Inc.’s Celebrity, Entertainment and Style Group at GLSEN’s Respect Awards – Los Angeles to be held Friday, October 21, at the Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills. Jess Cagle joins previously announced YouTube star and #Gamechanger Award recipient Connor Franta as an honoree for the event.

The GLSEN Respect Awards, introduced in 2004 and held annually in Los Angeles and New York, showcase the work of students, educators, individuals and corporations who serve as exemplary role models and have made a significant impact on the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. 

“I am thrilled to announce Jess Cagle as an honoree for the 2016 GLSEN Respect Awards - Los Angeles,” said GLSEN Executive Director Dr. Eliza Byard. "Jess is a committed advocate and philanthropist who advances our message of respect for all.”

Jess Cagle will be honored with the Visionary Award. His dedication to LGBTQ youth is evidenced by his participation in the GLSEN Respect Awards – Los Angeles year after year, as well as his ongoing philanthropy. In addition to his advocacy on behalf of GLSEN’s constituents, under his direction, People and Entertainment Weekly have brought attention to issues of race and gun violence among others in a way that demonstrates a commitment to GLSEN’s vision for a world where everyone is respected for who they are. 

GLSEN has led the way on LGBTQ issues in K-12 education since 1990. Through ground-breaking original research, innovative program development, student leadership and educator training, community organizing, and targeted state and federal advocacy, GLSEN has seen the impact of its work with the development of educational resources, direct engagement of youth and educators, and national programs like GLSEN’s Day of Silence, GLSEN’s No Name-Calling Week, and GLSEN’s Ally Week.

Previous GLSEN Respect Awards honorees have included Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel; Zachary Quinto; Julia Roberts and Danny Moder; Derek Hough; Matthew Morrison; NBC Chairman Bob Greenblatt; Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg; Bob and Harvey Weinstein; former NBA player Jason Collins; Darren Star; Shonda Rhimes; Michele and Rob Reiner; Andrew Tobias; John Mack, CEO of Morgan Stanley; NBA executive Rick Welts; the National Education Association; Jim Parsons and Todd Spiewak; Simon Halls and Matt Bomer; MTV; Disney-ABC Television; Johnson & Johnson; and HBO, as well as student leaders and educators from around the country. 

Honorary co-chairs for the event include Matt Bomer and Simon Halls, Bob Greenblatt, Marilyn and Jeffrey Katzenberg, Chris McMillan, Jim Parsons and Todd Spiewak, and Julia Roberts and Danny Moder.

Co-chairs for this year’s event are Jim Fielding, Dave Karger, Patrick Moran and Chip Sullivan. The event is co-hosted by Lawrence Angrisani, Greg Berlanti and Robbie Rogers, Brad Bessey and Frank Sanchez, Edison Briones, Kevin Brockman and Dan Berendsen, Jessica Capshaw and Christopher Gavigan, Terry Clark, Donald De Line, Matt Henry, Andrew Hotz and Kevin Friedman, Lauren Huff, Mike Irvin, Richard Konigsberg and Craig Olsen, George Kotsiopoulos, Carlos Lopez, Duncan Millership and Simon Thomas, Cody Morris and Christopher Landon, Corey Palent, Jonathan Rollo and Joey Gonzalez, Ben Roy, Mimi Slavin, and Ben Spector.

Sponsors of the 2016 GLSEN Respect Awards – Los Angeles include Presenting Sponsors Wells Fargo, Target, and The Walt Disney Company.

For more information about the GLSEN Respect Awards – Los Angeles, please visit our event website



GLSEN champions safe and affirming schools for all students. We envision a world in which every child learns to respect and accept all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. Each year, GLSEN programs and resources reach tens of thousands of K-12 schools across the United States, and our network of chapters brings GLSEN’s expertise to their local communities. GLSEN's progress and impact have won support for our work at all levels of education in the United States and sparked an international movement to ensure equality for LGBTQ students and respect for all in schools. For more information on GLSEN’s policy advocacy, student leadership initiatives, public education, research and educator training programs, please visit

Aviat Wins $28 Million Project with State of Colorado

3 Year Project Includes Microwave, Routers, Management Software and Turnkey Services

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – Sept. 12, 2016 – Aviat Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: AVNW), the leading expert in microwave networking solutions, today announced that it has been awarded a project worth approximately $28 million over three years from the State of Colorado to implement a network using Aviat’s microwave, IP/MPLS routers, management software and full turnkey services. This represents a brand new customer for Aviat, and the resultant network will support all statewide mission-critical communications for public safety, first responders and various state agencies throughout Colorado.

The State of Colorado selected Aviat based on its unique and highly differentiated capabilities, including IRU 600 EHP, the most powerful microwave radio ever built. IRU 600 EHP enables the state to use smaller antennas and avoid spending millions of dollars in costly tower retrofits.

Aviat’s proven turnkey services capability also played a key factor in the State of Colorado’s decision-making process. The Company will provide a complete turnkey solution to the state, including hardware, software and all services for planning, engineering, installation and support to design and implement this network.

Other selection factors used by the State of Colorado in choosing Aviat included Aviat’s integrated microwave and routing solutions, hybrid all-indoor radios for seamless migration to IP and USA-based design, manufacturing and support.

“Aviat Networks is very proud to provide this mission-critical IP/MPLS microwave communications network for public safety officials in Colorado,” says Michael Pangia, president and CEO, Aviat Networks. “We have a highly differentiated offering for state and local government customers with products, services and support specifically designed for this market segment.”


About Aviat Networks

Aviat Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: AVNW) is a leading global provider of microwave networking solutions transforming communications networks to handle the exploding growth of IP-centric, multi-Gigabit data services. With more than one million systems sold in over 140 countries, Aviat Networks provides LTE-proven microwave networking solutions to mobile operators, including some of the largest and most advanced 4G/LTE networks in the world. Public safety, utility, government and defense organizations trust Aviat Networks' solutions for their mission-critical applications where reliability is paramount. In conjunction with its networking solutions, Aviat Networks provides a comprehensive suite of localized professional and support services enabling customers to effectively and seamlessly migrate to next-generation Carrier Ethernet/IP networks. For more than 50 years, customers have relied on Aviat Networks’ high performance and scalable solutions to help them maximize their investments and solve their most challenging network problems. Headquartered in Santa Clara, California, Aviat Networks operates in more than 100 countries around the world. For more information, visit or connect with Aviat Networks on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.