Salt Lake City Orthodontist Giving Kids the Gift of a Smile this Holiday Season!
Salt Lake City, UT: Dansie Orthodontics wants to give local children the gift of a new smile this holiday season and needs help spreading the word. Dr. Chase Dansie and his team have committed to donate orthodontic care to up to 50 kids this holiday season through the nationally renowned nonprofit Smiles Change Lives.
On average, braces cost $5,000 per child, making them out of reach for many hard working families. Further, orthodontic treatment has long been considered cosmetic by insurance companies, providing little assistance, even for those that are insured. As a result, many children and teens suffer unnecessary discomfort and embarrassment from their misaligned teeth.
“We are thrilled to be working with Dansie Orthodontics, which has committed to donate over $200,000 in orthodontic care to kids in their community,” says Alexis Barclay, Director of Provider Services, Smiles Change Lives. “To be able to help a child receive braces for the holidays is such a wonderful gift and is the reason we are trying to let as many families know about this opportunity as possible.”
Smiles Change Lives is a national nonprofit formed in 1997 under its original name, the Virginia Brown Community Orthodontic Partnership. Virginia Brown grew up during the Great Depression, and her parents could only afford to pay for orthodontic treatment for one of their children. Virginia’s sister was able to get braces, while Virginia endured years of teasing and self-consciousness until she finally received treatment during high school. Virginia and her son, Tom Brown, established Smiles Change Lives to help children today avoid the physical and emotional difficulties that Virginia herself suffered as a child.
To qualify for the program, a child must be between the ages of 7-21, have good oral hygiene, not be wearing braces currently, have a moderate to severe need for braces, and meet certain financial guidelines (e.g., for a family of 4 in Utah, their household income must be below $61,500).
Families who meet the program qualifications for Smiles Change Lives are encouraged to apply online at Questions can be sent to Smiles Change Lives at
To date, Smiles Change Lives and its network of orthodontists have helped more than 11,000 kids receive braces in the United States and Canada. Please watch this short video to learn more about the difference doctors like Dr. Chase Dansie are making for families in your area:
About Dansie Orthodontics: Dr. Chase Dansie is an orthodontist with offices in Herriman and Duchesne, UT serving patients in and around Herriman, Duchesne, South Jordan, Riverton, Bluffdale and West Jordan, Utah. As an adolescent, Dr. Chase Dansie spent a lot of time in the orthodontic chair. He knows first-hand the difference quality care can make, as well as a confident smile. Fueled by his childhood experiences, Dr. Dansie developed a passion for setting a smile straight. For more information, visit
About Smiles Change Lives: Smiles Change Lives provides access to life-changing orthodontic treatment for children from families that cannot afford the full cost of braces. Headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, the program has treated more than 11,000 children since 1997 through its network of over 800 partner orthodontists. With its origin as the Virginia Brown Community Orthodontic Partnership, Smiles Change Lives has emerged as the nation’s leader in providing access to orthodontic care for qualified children. For more information, visit
Flu Season is Here! HealthInsight Encourages Flu Shots to Protect Yourself and Loved Ones This Flu Season
Salt Lake City—Flu season is officially here and now is the time to get a flu shot to protect yourself and loved ones from the flu this year. With flu activity increasing and family and friends planning gatherings for the holidays, now is a great time to get a flu shot. This season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends only flu shots (not the nasal spray vaccine) for everyone 6 months of age and older.
Flu activity usually peaks between December and February, though activity can last as late as May. It can take up to two weeks for your body to develop an immune response after getting the flu shot, so act now! As long as the flu virus is circulating, it’s appropriate to receive the vaccination for protection. Even if you have already gotten sick with flu this season, it is still a good idea to get a flu shot, because the flu shot can protect against several different strains of the flu.
Older adults and people with chronic conditions are at higher risk of contracting the flu due to a weakened immune system. About 90 percent of flu-related deaths occur in people age 65 and older. We are already seeing serious flu causing hospitalizations and death this season.
“Getting an annual regular or high dose influenza vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and your family against flu,” said Dr. Jerry Reeves, Medical Director at HealthInsight. “So, you should make it a priority to get your annual flu vaccine to protect yourself and your loved ones near you this flu season.”
Find where to get your regular or high dose flu vaccine with the HealthMap Vaccine Finder at There is no out of pocket cost to people covered by Medicare.
HealthInsight: Improving Immunization Rates for Older Adults
HealthInsight is partnering with more than 1,000 physicians and practitioners, 100 home health agencies and 60 critical access hospitals in Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon and Utah to improve influenza, pneumonia and shingles vaccinations for Medicare patients and those with both Medicare and Medicaid insurance. For more information, visit
About HealthInsight
HealthInsight is a recognized leader in convening and partnering with our communities to improve health and health care by advancing quality, efficiency and value for patients and providers. HealthInsight serves as a catalyst, using collaborative efforts to facilitate and promote the quality and safety of health care to achieve improved outcomes and value for all residents. Learn more at
This material was prepared by HealthInsight, the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for Nevada and Utah, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The contents presented do not necessarily reflect CMS policy. # 11SOW-F1-17-48
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand cannot continue to be silent about Governor Cuomo’s involvement in protecting countless sexual predators instead of the victims of horrific sexual violence and rape.
Senator Gillibrand has known about Gov. Cuomo’s actions that have allowed vulnerable disabled women and children to be preyed on and raped by sexual predators
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand cannot continue to be silent about Governor Cuomo’s involvement in protecting countless sexual predators instead of the victims of horrific sexual violence and rape.”
— Michael Carey - Advocate for people with disabilities and their families
ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, December 13, 2017 / -- How many more vulnerable women and children sex crime victims must there before Senator Gillibrand speaks out about Governor Cuomo and the most dangerous people which are the people behind the scenes protecting and enabling sexual predators?
The New York Times and other news agencies reported on the fact that powerful people were protecting and enabling Harvey Weinstein. It was not just Harvey Weinstein, but everyone that knew about what he was doing that remained silent that also are part of allowing many other people to be victimized. The focus now is primarily on the victims of sexual assault and their predator but if we do not break the silence and expose and hold to account the extremely dangerous people that protect the sexual predators, in this case, Governor Andrew Cuomo, than we will never achieve the systemic reforms necessary.
Sexual assault and rape is rampant within New York State and private facilities and group homes and almost all of these heinous sex crimes are internally covered-up by Governor Cuomo’s fraudulent and wrongfully titled, Justice Center. The main player is Governor Andrew Cuomo who has directed the internal reporting and policing. Instead of protecting vulnerable women and children, the governor chose to protect the sexual predators, the pedophiles and the rapists. Governor Cuomo and everyone involved in the cover-ups must be removed and held accountable. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand cannot continue to remain silent. Make no mistake about it, the protection of these perverts, sexual predators, pedophiles, sexual deviants, and rapists goes right to the very top, Governor Cuomo is protecting them and he has been doing this for over a decade.
As the national spotlight is on sexual harassment, sexual abuse, rape and cover-ups, we must fight for equal rights and protections of the extremely vulnerable women and children being raped in Governor Andrew Cuomo’s mental health agencies. Sexual predators cannot continue to run wild and continue to assault and rape our most vulnerable. We cannot be silent. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand cannot continue to be silent about Governor Cuomo’s involvement in protecting countless sexual predators instead of the victims of horrific sexual violence and rape.
We also cannot forget the little boys and men with disabilities, especially the extremely vulnerable and non verbal, the developmentally disabled, those with autism, that are being sexually violated in huge numbers in New York State mental health facilities and group homes.
We need a house cleaning if you will; we must not be silent or complicit as these atrocities continue. New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has known about Governor Cuomo’s involvement for over two years. Numerous emails by leading advocate for the disabled, Michael Carey have sought Senator Gillibrand’s immediate emergency help dating back to the summer of 2015, yet the sex crimes and cover-ups of almost all these crimes by Governor Cuomo and other top State officials continue. Most of these horrors, sex crimes and cover-ups can easily be prevented if people take emergency actions necessary which includes speaking out publicly. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand remained silent.
It is hard clean house in New York State when the governor is directly involved in the cover-ups. Governor Andrew Cuomo’s mental health agencies are rampant with sexual abuse, they are grossly and incompetently run, they are animal houses. To hide most of the sexual assaults and rapes, the severe damages and these crimes from the 911 call systems, from the police, from County District Attorney’s and from the families has been Governor Cuomo’s top priority. The main motives are to protect New York State from being held financially accountable for the Medicaid fraud, the extremely large settlements to sex victims and obviously public shame. Concealing most of the horrors, the rapes and the atrocities has been standard operating procedure in New York State allowing countless sexual predators to escape justice and rape God only knows how many extremely vulnerable people.
Here are two powerful examples among thousands of sexual assaults and sexual predators within Governor Cuomo’s agencies;
Remember these words spoken from a convicted pedophile of Governor Cuomo’s system calling it “a predators dream.”
The pedophile and former New York State employed caregiver that was eventually caught in a federal porn sting, called New York’s system controlled by Governor Andrew Cuomo “a predator’s dream”
Here is the direct quote from this AP News story written by David Klepper;
“New York State is paying $3 million to the family of developmentally disabled boy repeatedly molested by a staffer at a state-run group home who later wrote that lax supervision at the facility made it "a predator's dream."
In March of 2011 the first of a massive series of investigative reports done by the New York Times came out regarding New York’s extremely dangerous and deadly mental health care system . Michael Carey convinced the New York Times to do this massive award winning series which was a runner up for a Pulitzer Prize . The person mentioned in this first piece regarding sexual abuse, is Rick Sousie and this is what is quoted in the Times;
“Five years ago, Mr. Sousie, then 47, was working at the home in Hudson Falls, about 50 miles north of Albany. After a co-worker saw him alone and standing between the legs of the severely disabled woman, who was lying on her back, the police were alerted. The victim was taken to the hospital, where a rape kit was administered, and Mr. Sousie was placed on administrative leave.”
Some paragraphs later, his disturbing defense claim, “Mr. Sousie, in an interview, denied that he had been involved in a sexual assault.”
“I was tucking in my shirt, and I got accused of raping a client, that’s what happened,“ he said. When it was pointed out that his lawyer had, as a defense, argued that Mr. Sousie had been masturbating — hence the presence of physical evidence — he conceded, “That’s the defense that we used, yes,” but declined to elaborate.
Following the New York Times “Abused and Used” investigative reporting series there were two follow-ups by the New York Times, one by Danny Hakim and the second by the NY Times Editorial Board. Please read both, they are extremely enlightening. Here is the first link . Here are some damning statements against Governor Cuomo from the second ;
“Two-and-a-half years ago, The Times reported horrifying abuse of people with developmental disabilities or mental illnesses by state employees, who were rarely punished for it. Gov. Andrew Cuomo promised action. But too little appears to have changed.”
“There is much the governor could do. He could require surveillance cameras in these facilities, just as prisons have them. He could make sure that the police get more involved.”
Everyone must understand the scope of sexual abuse, rapes and cover-ups occurring, this is the current culture until changed;
“New York State documents obtained through Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) dating back to 2005 reveal that the New York State OMRDD/OPWDD system for the developmentally disabled has a culture of sexual abuse, rape and cover-ups. Thousands of reported sex crimes committed against the disabled are never reported to local police or District Attorney’s and are disappearing within the system that former Attorney General Cuomo and now Governor Cuomo has protected with a vengeance . State data, as well as this well known study found on the State of Massachusetts website titled, Prevalence of Violence, point to possibly one third of developmentally disabled residents within Governor Cuomo’s OPWDD system being sexually assaulted annually. In the OPWDD system of 126,000 developmentally disabled children and adults, many of whom cannot speak to tell anyone anything, there are upwards of 43,000 victims of sexual assaults or rape every year. Try to wrap your mind around the scope of what I am bringing to your attention and the fact that Governor Cuomo is protecting, not stopping this evil.” - Michael Carey
Governor Cuomo knows about these atrocities, he has protected most of the criminals involved and he has taken no significant actions to stop or prevent any of these sex crimes or criminal cover-ups. Governor Cuomo must be investigated and criminally charged as soon as possible. Here is an extensive timeline of what Governor Andrew Cuomo has known about and has protected for over ten years.
Decisive actions, many of them, have been taken by Governor Andrew Cuomo to hide and conceal these horrific crimes from the local authorities, as well as from the general public and the media.
Here are numerous reputable news links regarding sexual assault crimes, sexual harassment and cover-ups occurring throughout New York State right now under Governor Cuomo’s watch; . . .
Most sex crimes, as well as many other crimes and deaths, are easily covered-up internally because they are being directed to be called to Governor Cuomo’s internal abuse hotline, instead of to 911 where they must go. No longer can 911 call systems, local police and local courts be bypassed. 911 call systems must be immediately called by all mandated reporters regarding all sexual assaults and rapes, as well as obviously all other assault crimes, medical emergencies and deaths. Currently, under Governor Cuomo’s directive, almost all sex assault and rapes of people with disabilities which are obviously crimes disappear internally, they are covered-up. This evil and these gross injustices must be stopped and the people involved in the greater crimes and criminal conspiracy to protecting sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists must be held fully accountable.
Please also donate and support this vital Civil Rights Movement. Thank you.
If you have any tips or knowledge of sexual assaults, deaths or cover-ups please call the Jonathan Carey Foundation sexual abuse & death tip hotline @ (518) 475-7500
Michael Carey
The Jonathan Carey Foundation
(518) 852-9377
email us here
The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers